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Letters to the editor: Buying near an airport means buying noise; Ethical considerations of a contractor at SpaceX Vandenberg | Letters to the editor

Anyone who buys near the airport buys noise I am responding to the letter in the Times of August 17 regarding noise from Santa Maria Airport. The author is upset, and I’m sure others are too, about the noise of…

Tax plan will make some people freak out

As many saw during the Legislature’s Select Committee hearing on LB1, there was a lot of opposition. It’s clearly not what the people want. As a young, hard-working Nebraskan, LB1 would negatively impact my life. I would pay more taxes…

A look at Trump’s “No Tax on Tips Act” | Guest commentary | Guest

Former President Donald Trump has so far revealed few details about his economic policies for a possible second presidency, but he made headlines with his proposal to eliminate the federal tax on tips for service workers. The proposal aims to…