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“Love is blind: British couples still together and married”

“Love is blind: British couples still together and married”

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, probably every time a drop of alcohol touches my tongue: This was a damn good season. Love is blind: Great Britain . The first UK season of our favourite pod dating show was, in my not so humble opinion, not a disappointment. We had an amazing number of couples to follow, loads of girls to call out men and remind them they are worthless, and a classic villain. My group chats were all about Love is blind: Great Britain and which couples would say “I do,” and I literally have no idea what we’re going to babble about now (I’m taking suggestions). I have to say, the real winner of these weddings were those chic matching sweatpants sets that everyone seemed to be wearing. Can anyone on Netflix set up a girl? So after the last two episodes, it’s time to discuss which Love is blind: Great Britain Couples got married and are still together.

Love is blind: Great Britain Couples who are still together

Sabrina and Steven

Sabrina and Steven Love Is Blind UKSabrina and Steven Love Is Blind UK
Photo credit: Netflix

OBVIOUSLY they got the most obvious couple out of the way first. Sabrina and Steven were the first to get engaged on the show, barely considering anyone else in the pods. They’ve had no problems along the way, the only question is whether they’ll eventually move to Belfast. They’re like mom and dad by now; I’m obsessed with them. I’m also obsessed with Sabrina’s bangs, drop your hairdresser’s details, girl.

I was 99% sure they were going to get married, but that 1% still made me TREMBLING. If they didn’t make it, I would have no hope for my own miserable love life. But when Sabrina said on camera, “Everyone deserves a happy ending and I’m so happy I’m going to get mine,” and Steven declared, “The love I have for Sabrina and she has for me is forever,” it seemed like a done deal. In their vows, Steven mentioned their daily check-outs, which seems like a surefire way to a happy marriage.

And then, after a lot of back and forth, they both said “yes”!!! Love is real!!!! I’m so happy for them and am applying for the show myself straight away.

To use Sabrina’s words: MR. AND MRS. SMITH IN THE HOUSE!!

Mary and Tom

Maria and Tom Love Is Blind UKMaria and Tom Love Is Blind UK
Photo credit: Netflix

As a woman in STEM (read: a reality TV-obsessed sloth), I’ve cracked the code. We start with a resounding yes and follow with a no. This is science, I swear. So when Maria and Tom followed, I was concerned. Things get off to a rocky start because Tom’s mom sticks to her guns and doesn’t come to the wedding.

This couple was less clear than the Smiths (LIB Version (not the indie band every fuckboy supposedly loves) as there were major clashes between them regarding values ​​and dating etiquette. Tom also misrepresented his conversation with Tash, another contestant who was on the show, and seemed a little too eager in his flattery.

Then we got to the vows, and Tom, sir, please get tips from Steven for any future vows you need to write. Maria straight up lied to herself, claiming that Tom lets her be who she is “one hundred percent without judgement.” So are we forgetting how rude he was about your job? So are we forgetting that he literally admitted that he JUDGED you for being a makeup artist? Okay, cool, cool. Tom got redder and redder in the face until he finally admitted, “I love you, but I just feel like now is not the right time for me.” Then he took off stomping around the moors like Heathcliff with a mustache. It seemed like the whole who pays for dates thing really stuck, and he ultimately felt that Maria wasn’t raising her future daughters to be “independent women.” Yuck.

Demi and Ollie

Demi and Ollie Love Is Blind UKDemi and Ollie Love Is Blind UK
Photo credit: Netflix

See, I was very unsure of how things would go with this couple. There were so many warning signs, but they also seemed to really celebrate them, and I don’t know if they were kind of cute? Ollie in particular was torn between Catherine and Demi before moving on with the latter (if anyone dumps someone, we won’t get into WHO in case cups get thrown). The couple took a while to find their rhythm, but then seemed to hit it off. It was a little odd that Demi wouldn’t meet his family until the wedding, but planning with people in the summer is such a hassle, like I don’t know when I last saw my friends.

“I see myself as a wife” seemed to be Demi’s main reason for getting married, and then the whispers at the altar were already spreading bad vibes. Then Demi pulled out the sentence opener “I love you,” which is never a good sign. Don’t let those three words confuse you, they are bad news at weddings. They are always followed by a big old BUT. “It’s not an ‘I don’t and I’m leaving you forever,’ it’s an ‘I don’t now,’ because honestly, in the time we spent together, I felt like you saw me and I loved you,” Demi explained. Ollie seemed to take it well, telling the crowd that this “is not the end of Demi and Ollie, not by a long shot.” Whether it’s Delulu or Optimist, we’ll find out at Monday’s reunion.

Jasmine and Bobbie

Jasmine and Bobbie Love Is Blind UKJasmine and Bobbie Love Is Blind UK
Photo credit: Netflix

Okay, I don’t want to talk bad about Jasmine’s mom because people online already do enough and it’s not my job to add to it (see that? Very reserved, very attentive). But right from the start, Jasmine is upset because her mom isn’t Team Bobbie. While I’m not sure she would support anyone Jasmine is dating, I find it particularly funny that she thinks Jasmine likes Bobbie more than he is to her. Like no, mommy, no!! Bobbie is a SIMP to this beautiful girl. Bobbie adores Jasmine.

And the best advice came from Bobbie’s mum: “Have some prosecco and get out of here.” Right!! Well, they did what they wanted and brought tears to my eyes with their vows. Bobbie told Jasmine: “I fell in love with your soul.” Jasmine talked about how he made her feel deserving of a love like that and that “love shouldn’t be combative, it should be accepting and kind” – send that to your best friend with the shit boyfriend.

Bobbie said “yes” and a brief pause made us fear Jasmine would listen to her mom, but then she said “yes”!!! The sweetest moment was when the whole wedding party danced to Bobbie’s “Thirty Ass Song”. I wonder if the bikini babe was there too.

Nicole and Benaiah

Nicole and Benaiah Love Is Blind UKNicole and Benaiah Love Is Blind UK
Photo credit: Netflix

Okay, these two have had a journey, wow. They play Bliss and Zac from the US version. Nicole initially chose Sam and got engaged, only to end the relationship immediately afterwards. They didn’t even make it to Greece – Sam missed the tzatziki. They had a few minor issues with Sam, but otherwise things seemed good. Nicole was also worried that Benaiah would have trouble giving up his nomadic lifestyle.

As we watched, I told my sister that I didn’t think Nicole would go through with it given her doubts, since she already has one failed marriage behind her. But my sister turned to me and wisely said, “Nobody goes into two failed marriages thinking they’re going to have two failed marriages.” WOAH. She turns 31 and suddenly she’s the prophet of reality TV, I swear.

Benaiah called her bumps a good thing because “rough seas make good sailors” and said YES, YES, YES without hesitation. Nicole was a little more mysterious but ultimately said “Yes.”

Catherine and Freddie

Catherine and Freddie Love Is Blind UKCatherine and Freddie Love Is Blind UK
Photo credit: Netflix

WOOF. THE COUPLE THAT SPLIT THE NATIONS. Since the last episodes aired, TikTok has gone crazy with a clip of Catherine in another reality TV show about seven years ago, where she also had her fair share of haters. Catherine and Freddie bonded pretty quickly after she dumped/got dumped by Ollie (who knows), and he even recently confirmed on Instagram that he wasn’t romantically involved with anyone else in the pods. They looked like a real-life Barbie and Ken, and initially there were good vibes all around.

But then things went downhill. Catherine couldn’t handle Freddie’s revelation that he once cheated on an ex-girlfriend. Freddie felt misunderstood in his humor (I hear you, baby!!) and Catherine felt that not everything had to be a joke. Many of Freddie’s main concerns revolved around their different lifestyles. Catherine apparently described herself as someone who likes “stuffy” things, while Freddie likes to chill on the couch – marry me, no, really.

On the day of the wedding, Catherine discovered a beautiful letter and fancy earrings from Freddie, which really gave the impression that he was planning to go through with it. Their circle of friends, consisting of two or three identical blonde women (I can’t say, sorry), all seemed to be hoping for the same thing. Freddie’s sister, the iconic Betsy-Dora, expressed her doubts about their compatibility to him. Also, my loverboy made me chuckle when he joked, “I’m a pro at funerals, but maybe not so much at weddings.”

At the altar, Catherine nervously played with her hair (hairdresser: why??) and said “yes.” But then Freddie started with the unlucky sentence opener and said, “I love you, Cat, but the timing might not be right for us.” RUH ROH.

Cat was understandably devastated, even though Freddie had hoped they could still be together. She quickly took off the earrings and their future remained uncertain. Popular LIB Podcast Out of the capsules It was also revealed that none of the contestants seem to follow Catherine on Instagram and that the only one she follows is Sam… who she flirted with in a previous episode. Did anyone play musical partners? Perhaps the reunion will reveal more…


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