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Woman kicked adopted sister out of wedding because she didn’t stick to “color scheme”

Woman kicked adopted sister out of wedding because she didn’t stick to “color scheme”

A 25-year-old threw her adopted sister out of the wedding just because she didn’t match the wedding color scheme. To some, this may seem like a silly reason, but for this bride, all hell broke loose. She wrote about it at length in a now-viral Reddit post. Check out what she had to say and let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Nowadays, wedding preparations have become a little more complicated, not only for the bride and groom, but also for the guests. In a world obsessed with social media, weddings have become all about pictures. Instead of cherishing the perfect moment, people today force it to just look like one.

That’s exactly what this bride did, but you might think twice about it when you hear the backstory. Here’s what she wrote in the Reddit post.

What happened before the wedding?

AITA, because you kicked my sister out of my wedding because she didn’t stick to the color scheme?
byu/Alive_Baker8802 inAmItheAsshole

When the bride was 9 years old, her parents adopted her sister “Jen,” who was 7 at the time. “Jen was skinny and scared because she was neglected. We did everything we could to make her feel loved. We bought her lots of toys. Anything Jen wanted, she got,” she wrote.

Perhaps the current bride felt neglected during her childhood when her parents asked her to move into a smaller bedroom so that Jen could have her room. She was happy to do so, but it turned out that everything was done according to Jen’s wishes. “I was always second to Jen,” she confessed.

When did problems arise during the wedding?

The Couple thought it would be fun to have a color scheme for her wedding. And her favorite color is yellow, and the groom’s is blue. “So my guests would wear yellow, his would wear blue, and mutual friends would wear green,” she wrote.

But when Jen found out, she was angry. “I didn’t know this, but she hates yellow and it makes her look pale,” she said.

Jen told the bride that she would not wear yellow under any circumstances. “I shrugged and said that was fine – I would just throw her out if she didn’t wear yellow,” the bride wrote.

On the wedding day, Jen showed up in a purple dress and was asked to leave “immediately.”

“The color scheme was perfect and she ruined it. Jen refused to leave until I threatened to call security,” the bride said.

Also read: Bridesmaid sues bride for wedding expenses after she was kicked out of wedding for cutting hair

How did people react on the Internet?

Here’s what some people have said online.

byu/Alive_Baker8802 from the discussion

byu/Alive_Baker8802 from the discussion

byu/Alive_Baker8802 from the discussion

byu/Alive_Baker8802 from the discussion

What do you think about it? Tell us in the comments.

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