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Why some felt the earthquake and others didn’t: Dr. Lucy Jones explains

Why some felt the earthquake and others didn’t: Dr. Lucy Jones explains

A magnitude 4.7 earthquake struck Southern California near Malibu early Thursday morning. Residents throughout the region reported the effects in different ways, with some not noticing the earthquake at all.

As people reflected on the quake, which occurred just before 7:30 a.m., renowned seismologist Dr. Lucy Jones offered her insights in an interview with FOX 11 as part of a planned event in El Segundo for National Preparedness Month.

The earthquake, centered five miles north of Malibu, was felt as far away as San Diego and as far north as the Bakersfield coast. Dr. Jones described it as “widely felt,” which was to be expected given its magnitude. She confirmed that there were numerous aftershocks in the area, at least two of which were greater than magnitude 3, and expected more quakes throughout the afternoon.

When asked why some residents felt the earthquake and others did not, Dr. Jones said, “Distance plays a big role,” but she also noted that personal activity at the time of the quake plays a significant role. “I didn’t feel anything because I was pedaling on my exercise bike. When you’re moving, when you’re walking, it’s very hard to feel it,” she explained. Residents on the upper floors of buildings are more likely to feel the shaking, as building structures can amplify the shaking.

The seismologist also praised the effectiveness of earthquake notification apps. “The solid early warning information is good,” she said, encouraging people to rely on these apps as they have become better thanks to more tools and better algorithms. However, Dr Jones added that the increase in notifications is also due to there being more significant earthquakes.

In terms of earthquake preparedness, Dr Jones stressed the importance of taking proactive measures before an earthquake occurs. She criticised current building codes that focus on survival rather than minimising financial losses or ensuring buildings remain functional after the event. She advocates for better building practices and emphasises the long-term cost benefits.

Dr. Jones also urged individuals, businesses and community groups to take immediate actions such as ensuring building integrity, practicing “drop, take cover and hold on,” and creating post-earthquake plans that include communicating with neighbors. Given the potential for an earthquake to destroy critical infrastructure, such coordinated planning is essential to a community’s resilience.

While the conversation covered common responses to earthquakes, Dr. Jones emphasized the need to develop muscle memory of safety measures such as the upcoming ShakeOut exercise in order to respond quickly when a real earthquake occurs. The interview ended with a reminder of the reality of earthquake risk and the need to be prepared – an important message that Dr. Jones would deliver on the same day of the Malibu quake.


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