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West Seattle Blog… | SCHOOL CLOSURES: District unveils two alternative ‘draft lists.’ Two West Seattle schools are on both.

West Seattle Blog… | SCHOOL CLOSURES: District unveils two alternative ‘draft lists.’ Two West Seattle schools are on both.

As reported here last month, Seattle Public Schools promised to set up a “hub” starting this week that will provide information on the next steps in its plan to close/consolidate schools to save money. More than just a “hub”: The district just announced “two plan options” for potential closures – and two schools, Louisa Boren STEM K-8 And Sanislo Primary Schoolare on both lists of potential closures. From the district’s announcement:

West Seattle Blog… | SCHOOL CLOSURES: District unveils two alternative ‘draft lists.’ Two West Seattle schools are on both.Like many other school districts, Seattle Public Schools (SPS) is facing declining enrollment and budget challenges. As a result, many of our schools are struggling to provide the resources our students deserve. To address this issue, we are working to ensure our schools are right-sized and have the resources needed to support preschool through 5th grade success.

We are considering Two plan options:

Proposed Option A: Operates 52 elementary schools in its service area. This option results in the closure of 21 elementary and K-8 schools. (Savings of $31 million)

Proposed Option B: Operates 56 schools, including catchment elementary schools and one K-8 school per region. This option closes 17 schools. (Savings of $25.5 million)

You can view the details of each plan on our website, including information about which schools in each region are being considered for consolidation.

Here’s how Option A would impact West Seattle/South Park:

Southwest and West Seattle: Option A

Schools operating in the Southwest:​ ​Alki, Genesee Hill, Fairmount Park, Pathfinder, Gatewood, West Seattle, Roxhill, Highland Park, Concord, Arbor Heights​

Close:​ Lafayette​, Boren STEM K-8​, Sanislo​

School type changes: Pathfinder K-8 becomes a K-5 school in the catchment area

Here’s how Option B would impact West Seattle/South Park:

Southwest and West Seattle, Option B

Schools in the Southwest that remain open: Alki, Genesee Hill, Fairmount Park, Lafayette, Pathfinder K-8 (optional), Gatewood, West Seattle Elementary, Roxhill, Highland Park, Concord, Arbor Heights​

Conclusion:​ Louisa Boren K-8, Sanislo

The links to each option take you to pages that also include draft maps showing how the boundaries would be changed as a result. In the meantime, the district stresses that these are draft plans, not final

WHAT’S NEXT: The following dates are listed in the district’s announcement:

24 September: Online information events provide an overview of both options.

25 September – 8 October: In-person meetings in each region for families, staff and the community. Separate SPS staff meetings are also held.

Mid to late October: The Superintendent announces the preliminary recommendation.

November: Public hearings on each proposed school closure.

December: Last school board vote before the winter break.

We are now reading through the rest of the new online ‘hub’ to find out more details, such as where pupils from schools slated for closure will be relocated.


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