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Usernames can replace the phone number

Usernames can replace the phone number

WhatsApp is once again in the spotlight as the developers are hard at work on a feature that aims to strengthen your privacy and revolutionize your user experience. The upcoming change? The introduction of individual usernames to identify the user instead of phone numbers. Below is everything you need to know about this development.

Username as new identification feature

It has been known for some time that WhatsApp wants to move away from the dependency on telephone numbers in the future. Many of you will certainly be reluctant to give out your mobile number to unknown contacts. The introduction of a freely selectable user name could be helpful in this situation.

Imagine: instead of sharing a phone number, you can just give a username that you like. The developers have shown that they will continue to optimize the username to protect privacy while still allowing communication.

PIN option for additional security

Another exciting detail that WABetaInfo is this: The new username feature also introduces the ability to set a PIN. This four-digit number must be known to the contact who wants to send you a message for the first time.

This means that you will have to share not only your username but also the PIN, which is an additional layer of security to stop unwanted contacts from harassing you. It is important to stress that this PIN has nothing to do with the two-step verification you use to secure your account.

How does it work?

Implementing this new feature is very simple: you can freely choose your username and optionally add a PIN. This not only protects your privacy, but also makes it more difficult for strangers to contact you just because they know your username. This gives you more control over who can and cannot contact you.

  • Create a username that best represents you.
  • Set a username PEN.
  • Decide whether you Limit unwanted messages on username or not.
Could the new WhatsApp feature look like this?

Is this what the new WhatsApp feature looks like? / © WABetaInfo

When can you expect the update to be released?

It is currently uncertain when the two new features will be available to all users. It is not unusual for WhatsApp to take years to release new features to the public. Even after official announcements, these new features may only be rolled out in a limited way, so it is quite possible that all the creative usernames will be sold out by then.

Is this the end of numbers? It is definitely a step in the right direction!

The upcoming changes to WhatsApp will fundamentally change the way we communicate with each other. There will be no need to exchange phone numbers, which could add a new dimension to your digital communication.

Maybe this is just a feature, but it’s a step towards a more secure and private messenger experience. While you wait for the final launch, think about what username you want and how you want to assign your PIN code. The future of communication might be closer than you think!


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