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The work that shaped me: Dom Ho

The work that shaped me: Dom Ho

Dom Ho co-founded the multi-award-winning agency BLACKLIST in 2016. The full-service creative agency has two offices in London and Amsterdam with a thriving, creative and diverse team of nearly fifty people. BLACKLIST works with global clients including SkyShowtime, Prime Video, Paramount, Ferrari, Pokémon, Asics, Peloton and Disney.

Throughout his career, Dom has championed the idea that a strong, inclusive company culture is the foundation of any successful creative execution. He believes that team members who feel valued, respected, and inspired are more likely to push boundaries and produce more innovative results.

Under his leadership, teams are encouraged to collaborate openly, share diverse perspectives, and support one another, creating an environment where creativity can truly flourish and THE BLACKLISTERS can do the best work of their careers.

His commitment to creating a positive workplace culture has not only resulted in numerous award-winning campaigns, but also aims to set a new standard for leadership in the media and entertainment industry.

LBB> The advert from my childhood that has stuck in my memory…

Cathedral> As a kid, I was always a fan of streetwear brands and a bit of a Nike sneaker fan, so I was a huge fan of the Nike advertisements of the late 90s. For me, the most memorable was Nike football with the Brazilian national team at the airport. The advert featured legends like the original Ronaldo, Romário and Roberto Carlos, who were – and still are! – global superstars. I remember having Roberto Carlos football boots at school!

In the ad, the team passed the time in an airport with an impromptu soccer game. The setting was completely relatable and the relaxed and fun way in which the players showed off their skills was impressive and inspiring to watch. The production was really high quality, combined with catchy, unforgettable music… Obá, Obá, Obá! … so the ad appealed to your emotions by mixing humor, skill and the human side of these legendary players.

Not only did they sell Nike products, but they also told stories that totally resonated with me. They reflected and contributed to the sports culture of the 90s by celebrating excellence, fun, and a touch of rebellion, which I thought was cool.

LBB> My first professional project …

Cathedral> My first semi-memorable professional project was designing the on-air motion graphics for a Warner Bros Classic Movie Channel. The campaign was called “Double Impact” and essentially highlighted two classic blockbuster films.

The commercial probably aired at 4am in a few select countries in Central and Eastern Europe and was probably only seen by seven people, but I remember never being so proud at the time that my designs reached this local, albeit extremely engaged, audience! A huge thank you to those seven!

LBB> The reason that made me enter the industry…

Cathedral> My father worked in broadcasting, which seemed much more exciting and creative than the typical “office jobs” my friends’ parents had when I was growing up. I still remember my first visit to a production studio as a child. Seeing how everything worked behind the scenes was like looking through the wardrobe to discover the secrets of Narnia. There was an electric energy in the air and it was a buzz.

I’ve watched live shows from the director’s box and felt like a little tycoon. I’ve walked around the kids’ TV sets on Saturday mornings and resisted the urge to steal the props. I’ve mingled with entertainment bosses and C-list celebrities in a random TV studio canteen and tried to keep my cool and not spill anything.

The best part was how everyone worked together so smoothly, like a well-oiled machine. Being in those creative environments was incredibly inspiring. It motivated me to study hard, get a creative degree and try to break into the industry myself. These early experiences played a huge role in my interest in creating content, telling stories and engaging audiences like I was during those magical studio visits.

LBB> The music album I listen to over and over again…

Cathedral> Justin Timberlake – Justified. Without a doubt, JT is one of my favorite artists in current mainstream pop – now I’ve said it haha! Justified was the perfect balance of quality R&B and commercial pop mixed with some killer beats with the help of his partners in crime Pharrell and Timbaland.

He sounds good on this sadly *NSYNC-less album. He sounds like he’s having fun, which is really important to me because when an artist is having fun it really reflects a lot about the overall tone of an album. Packed with some absolute bangers, I’ll definitely be listening to it again… probably more times than I should!

LBB> The ad that made me so angry that I swore never to do anything *like that* again…

Cathedral> In terms of taste, I’ve always been more of a Coca-Cola fan. When it comes to advertising, however, Pepsi is way ahead with its creative marketing. However, the Kendall Jenner campaign from a few years ago was a bit of a flop.

The ad showed her at a photoshoot when she noticed a protest and decided to join in. She walked up to a rather serious looking police officer, gave him a fist bump and handed him a Pepsi, almost as if she wanted to ease the racial tensions of the protest with a cold can of the good stuff! It was in poor taste (pun intended) as the ad seemed to trivialize racism and police brutality.

I believe Pepsi later issued a statement explaining their true intentions, but unfortunately the damage was already done. Let’s put it this way: When it came to advertising, Pepsi apparently couldn’t keep up with the Kardashians…

LBB> The ad that still makes me jealous…

Cathedral> I love the Old Spice advert “The Man Your Man Could Smell Like”. It’s hilarious, brilliantly written and Isaiah Mustafa’s charismatic performance hits the nail on the head… “I’m on a horse!” The advert’s surreal, fast-paced transitions grab your attention and keep you laughing long after it’s over.

And the clever twist: it’s designed to charm both men and women. It appeals to women in a sophisticated way and encourages them to improve their men’s fragrances, while at the same time offering men a witty and ambitious role model. The ad also did wonders for Old Spice’s image, turning it from grandpa’s cologne into the modern, trendy man’s favorite fragrance.

LBB> The creative project that changed my career…

Cathedral> In the early days of BLACKLIST, probably towards the end of the first year or the beginning of the second, we won a global development campaign called “Doing Well By Doing Good” for CNBC and UBS. We produced 17 immersive short films, each focused on one of the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Filming took place in exotic locations around the world, in collaboration with inspiring people working for positive change.

This project not only made us known worldwide, but also confirmed that we were onto something special with BLACKLIST. Our efforts earned us a World Media Award and a Cannes Lions nomination.

LBB> The work I am most proud of…

Cathedral> I am a huge advocate of nurturing our studio culture and promoting young talent. At BLACKLIST we offer several internships in London and Amsterdam.

We are affiliated with several universities on the south coast of England and have been accredited by SBB in the Netherlands – an organisation run by the Dutch Ministry of Education that brings companies together with schools, colleges and universities so that students can receive the best possible practical, workplace training. Last year we won the GPTW (Great Place To Work) awardand is one of the top 20 employers in the UK. I am very proud of that.

LBB> I was involved in it and it makes me shudder…

Cathedral> I was an extra…or “background artist” as we like to call it in the game! I did that for three years and a bit during and after college. I did a variety of roles and many different levels of background standing…all method standing of course! From Rowan Atkinson and Chiwetel Ejio for films, running on a nine-person treadmill for a music video, to singing Little Red Corvette by Prince for a Chevrolet advert…all pretty embarrassing stuff, but just as good for storytelling after a few beers!

LBB> The last project I was involved in and which excited me the most…

Cathedral> We have just been asked to create high impact outdoor advertising to promote the UEFA Champions League and English Premier League to be shown on a major streaming platform. The project will run across the UK, Scandinavia, Italy and Germany. As a football fan, I am so excited that BLACKLIST is working on this amazing project… let’s go Saints!


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