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“The ITS reform is being opposed by those who pit culture against work”

“The ITS reform is being opposed by those who pit culture against work”

© Agenzia Nova – Reproduction reserved

The reform of technical and vocational education “is rejected because there are still parts of the school world that pit culture against work. It is the Gramscian idea of ​​the unified school: an equal path for all,” said the Minister of Education and Merit. Giuseppe Valditarain an interview with “The typically constitutional idea of ​​talents and the enhancement of the person is missing from this vision. The voters have broken with the totalitarianisms that subordinated the person to the state, especially the fascist one, but the same can be said about the communist ones. It is no coincidence that Togliatti was reluctant to accept the personalist vision. In a section of the left this aversion to the centrality of the person and consequently to the personalization of education has remained,” he added, then noted that “we must focus strongly on orientation. In September a major orientation and awareness campaign for families will begin. But this is also the reason why I so much wanted the guidance counselor, whose recognition is now also contractual, with additional remuneration”.

Valditara then continued: “The constitutional school is the one that puts the student’s person at the centre and promotes his different talents, because the beauty of man is his wealth, his diversity and at the same time his uniqueness,” he said the minister. “We are not clones and we are wrong to think like that. Diversity is always a factor of enrichment, but above all we must be able to recognise the talents of the individual student and his potential. The orientation reform and that of the 4+2 presuppose this vision. The new technical and vocational training (4+2, ed.) aims precisely at giving opportunities to the many, varied and exceptional talents of our young people. During my visit to the technical-vocational schools – concluded Valditara – I saw extraordinary intelligence and creativity at work that cannot and must not be lost. An imposed uniform path would clip the wings of these young people.”

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