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Remote work

Former Google CEO: Google is losing AI race because employees are working from home

Remote work has weakened Google’s competitiveness in the AI ​​race, says the company’s former CEO and chairman, Eric Schmidt. Schmidt was speaking to students during a lecture at Stanford University in April when he was asked about the lead that…

What should agencies consider in their remote work plans?

Because telework will continue to play a role in the future of work, the Office of Personnel Management has provided federal agency leaders with a checklist of criteria to consider when setting their policies for this practice. OPM Deputy Director…

Half of US workers want flexibility when working remotely

AdobeStock FAccording to a new national survey from Eagle Hill Consulting, 50 percent of U.S. workers say they prefer to work for a company that offers remote and hybrid work flexibility. In addition, half of workers said they would consider…

What should agencies consider in their remote work plans?

Because telework will continue to play a role in the future of work, the Office of Personnel Management has provided federal agency leaders with a checklist of criteria to consider when setting their policies for this practice. OPM Deputy Director…

How hybrid teams work best

After years of tossing and turning between RTO mandates and resistance from remote workers, hybrid work is here to stay. But flexible working comes with its own challenges, and managers may be letting their employees down when it comes to…

How can remote workers set up a successful home office?

Summary of the paper methodology The researchers surveyed 1,002 Dutch office workers who worked at least partly from home during the COVID-19 pandemic. Participants answered questions about their home office setup, including factors such as satisfaction with the desk, chair…