

Trusted News & Timely Insights


How cannabis tax revenue can address health inequalities in New York (guest column)

Join NY Cannabis Insider for the next full-day conference on September 25, 2024 in Albany. Tickets now available. Dr. Torian Easterling is Senior Vice President of Population and Community Health and Chief Strategic and Innovation Officer at One Brooklyn Health…

Dana Nessel at the DNC: Republicans “can rip this wedding ring out of my cold, dead, gay hand”

CHICAGO, IL — At the Democratic National Convention here, Michigan’s first openly gay elected official delivered a fiery message of support for Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris and her record of fighting for LGBTQ+ rights. Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel…

Miss Manners: There is no need to give two wedding gifts to a couple who is having two ceremonies

DEAR MISS MANNERS: We have been friends with a couple for about 30 years. We have watched their children grow into beautiful young ladies, and they have watched ours grow into adults. We are very close to the couple, but…