

Trusted News & Timely Insights


“Ted Lasso” gave me courage to deal with burnout

As a Gen Xer, I’m of VCR age. Maybe that’s why I’m not a big fan of binge-watching. Maybe that’s why I refuse to pay for any streaming service and ignore my fear of what I can’t watch when social…

Remote work improves applicant pool, say recruiters

As companies become increasingly competitive to attract the best candidates, companies that offer work from home may be best equipped to attract the best talent, according to a new survey. About 83% of recruiters believe remote work has improved the…

Amazon manager: Three-crore salary for minimal work triggers debate

A recent post on Blind, the app for anonymous workplace conversations, has brought to light shocking news about an Amazon employee. The post revealed that a senior employee at Amazon has been drawing a sizable salary for over a year…

Young people in China are fed up with the relentless demands of work and the weakening economy and are simply quitting.

Most days, Chen Zi Jun begins her morning with Muay Thai or yoga before exploring temples or markets in the oppressive heat of northern Thailand. This is a far cry from the relentless workload she left behind in China in…

Practicing several sports at the same time can pay off

Multiple sports Dr. Murphy says that participating in multiple sports helps build endurance, balance and range of motion, among other things. For example, a child might run cross country in the fall and play baseball in the spring. “They strengthen…

How hybrid teams work best

After years of tossing and turning between RTO mandates and resistance from remote workers, hybrid work is here to stay. But flexible working comes with its own challenges, and managers may be letting their employees down when it comes to…