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SSPC announces operational announcement between Atlético de San Luis and Cruz Azul

SSPC announces operational announcement between Atlético de San Luis and Cruz Azul

Galindo asks the Dirección de Obras Públicas for a detailed analysis of the Calles y Avenues de la Colonia Jardines de Oriente

By: Editorial staff

This morning, during the Day of Talacha, I am going to Cabo una Jornada de Trabajo in the colony Gardens of the Orientdonde el alcalde de la Capital, Enrique Galindo Ceballosaccompanied by titles and collaborators in different directions of the Ayuntamiento de San Luis Potosí, do not only attend the works of removal and maintenance, since they also attend to the issues of veterinarians, stories such as the calls and the abolition of water.

In the 48th edition of Day of TalachaThe Edil registration that this urban program had to be created due to the impossibility of meeting all the demands of the colonies of San Luis Capital during the Domingos de Pilas, so I decided to reinforce the maintenance and rehabilitation works to improve the quality of life of the people and the capital.

Enrique Galindo requested the Directorate of Public Works to carry out a detailed analysis of the streets and avenues of Colonia Jardines de Oriente, as he identified the need for thorough maintenance in different areas. Adelantó stated that these actions must be included in the priority list for each administration.

For his part, Christian Iván Azuara Azuara, Director of Municipal Services, informs that he will reach different objectives on the Avenida location. Oriented Circular Route, from Camino a Rancho Viejo to Carretera 57. Among these tasks are the tree and plywood bridge, the roadblock, the basura accumulation, the escape and traffic, as well as the safety painting and the review of the lights.


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