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Shelby BOE adopts new cell phone policy on Monday

Shelby BOE adopts new cell phone policy on Monday

SHELBY – Cell phone use during school hours will be banned in Shelby City Schools this year.

On Monday, the Shelby Board of Education unanimously approved a new cell phone policy designed to avoid distractions in the classroom.

The policy focuses on the district’s mission to “maximize the learning success of each student, create a solid knowledge base, and foster a sense of community” within Shelby City Schools.

Students are prohibited from using cell phones during all school hours, including during lunch breaks, while studying, or when changing classes. Rules also apply to students’ use of other communication devices, including but not limited to smart watches.

“This law will help students stay focused in class by preventing them from being constantly distracted by text messages, emails or social media notifications,” said Shelby School Superintendent Michael Browning.

“Because we have Chromebook devices for our students, they can still stay connected to the internet for research purposes.”

Shelby School Superintendent Michael Browning speaks during the Shelby Board of Education meeting Monday evening. Photo credit: Hayden Gray

Exceptions, storage and discipline

School district policy allows for exceptions if a student with an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) has a documented reason for using their cell phone in class.

A student may also use a cell phone to monitor or discuss health issues that need to be documented with the school nurse.

The school administration may allow students to carry their mobile phones under the supervision of staff in emergency situations, but prior approval must be obtained from the school principal.

The policy states that students must keep their cell phones in a “secure location, such as their locker, a closed backpack, or a storage device provided by the school district, when cell phone use is prohibited.”

Consequences for students who violate the guidelines include:

– First offense: Give the student a verbal warning and ask him or her to put away his or her cell phone or other electronic communication device.

– Second offense: Keep the student’s cell phone securely in an administrator-controlled area for the duration of the school day.

– Third violation: Keep the student’s cell phone securely in an administrator-controlled area until a parent or guardian can pick up the device during school hours.

— Fourth offense: Disciplinary action for insubordination as outlined in the Student Handbook includes, but is not limited to, expulsion from school or a total ban on bringing a cell phone to school, and other disciplinary action.

Similar measures planned across the state

In May, Governor Mike DeWine signed House Bill 250 into law.

The bill requires school districts to adopt a cell phone policy by July 2025 that encourages limited use during school hours and fewer distractions in the classroom.

Supporters of the bill, including Lieutenant Governor Jon Husted, argue that restricting cell phone use will improve mental health and increase student academic success.

The new policies from Shelby and Mansfield City Schools are largely based on a model policy from the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce.

This reporting was made possible through community investment. Independent, local news from Shelby and northern Richland County is brought to you in part by the generous support of Phillips Tube Group, RS Hanline, ArcelorMittal, Lloyd Rebar, Hess Industries and Shelby Printing..


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