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Planting trees “correctly”

Planting trees “correctly”

Tree planting

Image credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain

Large-scale global efforts to replace trees for carbon sequestration and greening cities could do more harm than good if they neglect to restore viable ecosystems, a Flinders University expert says.

In an important new publication entitled Treewilding, restoration ecologist Dr Jake Robinson makes a comprehensive statement on the need to understand and revitalise our vital relationship with trees, including the need to focus on viable land and engage communities to replace the millions of hectares of forest destroyed over the centuries.

“With the ongoing biodiversity crisis, pandemics and climate change, it is critical to prioritise the restoration of our precious ecosystems, and reforestation efforts are an essential part of this globally,” says Dr Robinson from Flinders University’s College of Science and Engineering.

“Forest restoration is a complex rebuilding process that often starts from scratch, building on centuries-old knowledge and the latest scientific findings.

“Throughout history, humans have developed deep material, physical and psychological connections to trees and forests that are rooted in ancient spiritual relationships. Many of us have lost that connection.”

Without effective action, it is predicted that 95% of the Earth’s land area will be affected by degradation by 2050.

About 10,000 years ago, almost 60 percent of the Earth’s habitable land area was covered by forests of varying densities. This trend has accelerated rapidly since 1900. Today, only 30 percent remains, and much of it is ecologically poor plantations. More than 10 million hectares of forest still disappear every year.

Microbiologist Dr Robinson adds: “We have an unprecedented opportunity to restore our relationship with forests. We now know that forests are as invisible as they are visible.

“Each tree is host to trillions of microbes that work together symbiotically to form a functioning ecological unit. Trees also have senses and a kind of memory – they may even be able to pass on information to their offspring through epigenetic means.

“By understanding these undervalued perspectives, we can develop a new sense of awe and respect for nature.”

From monoculture forests and corporate greenwashing to the trillions of trees, the Green Belt movement and the red forests of Chernobyl, the book offers a range of ecological, social, cultural and scientific insights into the complexities of reforestation and solutions.

One of the book’s authors, Australian First Nations historian Bruce Pascoe, says: “Never has it been more important for the world to understand trees.”

“Our peoples in general have a deep spiritual and philosophical connection to the forest,” he says in the book. “Basically, we see the earth as our mother and treat her accordingly. This is not just an affirmation. Treating the land in this way is deeply rooted in our values ​​and beliefs.”

Dr Robinson believes that “ecological forestry” could be one of the keys to achieving a “more harmonious balance between the needs of people and the conservation of remaining forest ecosystems”.

“The vast tracts of land we call ‘forests’ are only a shadow of what forest ecosystems should be. Most plantation forests, for example, were created with a single purpose in mind: timber production.

“As a result, many of the characteristics of thriving forest ecosystems – diversity, complexity and resilience – are lacking.”

Further steps in the right direction towards a more sustainable future are:

  • The focus is on planting native trees and plants in the ‘right place’ and using profitable rather than marginal areas to restore biodiversity.
  • We encourage our children’s connection to nature – the next generation of “forest rangers” – and involve communities in restoration projects.
  • Consider trees themselves as complex ecosystems and not just as roadside decorations or a source of wood.
  • Supporting Indigenous leadership and land rights – most of the world’s biodiversity is protected by First Nations peoples.
  • Introducing new food systems and approaches, such as ‘syntropic agroforestry’, which promotes biodiversity while growing food.

Further information:
Jake Robinson, Treewilding, (2024).

Provided by Flinders University

Quote: Planting trees “correctly” (12 August 2024), accessed on 12 August 2024 from

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