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Planned Parenthood part of the “bloody wedding” at the DNC

Planned Parenthood part of the “bloody wedding” at the DNC

American Life League calls taxpayer-funded “Kill Your Baby Here” bus an “inherent evil”

Contact: Tom Ciesielka, TC Public Relations, 312.422.1333, [email protected]

(20 August2024 – Fredericksburg, Virginia) Taxpayer-funded abortion giant Planned Parenthood has allied itself with the Democratic Party in a “bloody marriage” of “evil within,” according to the American Life League. STOP, the organization’s Planned Parenthood watchdog group, released the statement in response to Planned Parenthood Great Rivers of St. Louis’ announcement that it had sent a bus to Chicago to provide free chemical abortions, vasectomies and contraceptives ahead of the Democratic National Convention.

“Planned Parenthood has long been the driving force behind the culture of death,” said Judie Brown, president of the American Life League. “The Democratic Party has been at the forefront of fueling Planned Parenthood’s engine. Now that PP has decided to offer free infanticide at the DNC, the combination, or should we say bloody marriage, is perfect. Buyers should beware that they too do become part of the national carnage. America is engulfed in carnage.”

As the only international organization dedicated exclusively to putting Planned Parenthood out of business, STOPP regularly reports on the finances and internal operations of America’s largest abortion provider.

“Planned Parenthood is a nonprofit and collected nearly $1 billion in taxpayer money last year, proving to the American public that their hard-earned money funds projects like free abortions at the DNC,” said Katie Brown, national director of the American Life League.

“The STOPP 2023 report on PP CEO salaries, Planned Parenthood Great Rivers (formerly Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region and Southwest Missouri), the PP subsidiary that provides the free DNC abortions, was among the abortion retailer’s top 25 highest-paid CEOs. The CEO of Great Rivers earned a staggering $327,733 for his work at the so-called ‘nonprofit,'” reported Katie Brown.

“By putting a bus outside the DNC that says ‘Kill Your Baby Here,’ Planned Parenthood is telling us exactly who they are. They want more of our tax dollars to do what they do best – abortions,” Katie Brown explained. “And they’re making sure their buddies in the Democratic Party see their poster in hopes that they’ll continue to get a billion dollar bonus check from taxpayers, all for killing future taxpayers.”

Hugh Brown, executive vice president of the American Life League, added, “Planned Parenthood and the Democratic Party hate children and despise life. Offering free medication abortions, emergency contraception and vasectomies at the Democratic National Convention is an act of inner evil and is rooted in a savage hatred of human life, especially babies. The American Life League encourages people of all faiths to pray for the conversion of the hearts and minds of those entrenched and enslaved in the culture of death. And pray that the Lord will grant humility, wisdom and understanding to the lost souls who commit these atrocities and who need to be freed from the bondage of sin and death.”

About the American Life League

The American Life League has been part of the pro-life abortion debate since its founding. Since 1979, the American Life League has worked to protect all innocent people from the moment of creation to death, with a pro-life integrity that advocates for every innocent person whose life is threatened by the culture of death. For more information, visit

About STOP

STOPP International of the American Life League is the only organization dedicated to educating people about the culture of death at Planned Parenthood and working to close the facilities. For more information, see


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