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Pilot whale stranded near Indian River Inlet

Pilot whale stranded near Indian River Inlet

Members of the Marine Education, Research and Rehabilitation Institute cared for a short-finned pilot whale that stranded on the beach north of the Indian River Inlet on August 5.

The young female whale swam in and out of the waves, repeatedly attempting to reach the beach using short strokes. MERR officials saidThe whale was often in the surf zone, which is a dangerous phase for stranded whales and dolphins. The whale was unable to control its swimming or body movements in this shallow area and frequently struck the cement and other debris in the area while waves splashed over its blowhole, causing water to enter its lungs.

The MERR stranding team managed to rescue the 700-pound whale from the dangerous surf zone. Due to its weight and turbulent waves, this operation would not have been possible without the help of state park rangers, DNREC Division of Coastal and Waterway Management staff, and the public. TThe whale was successfully recovered on a stretcher and carried to a waiting ambulance. The whale stretcher was suspended in a special frame that helped reduce the pressure of the whale’s body weight, while wet towels were placed on the whale to prevent its skin from drying out.

Like most whales and dolphins that come ashore, the whale was extremely weak and dying. Unfortunately, she did not survive, but rescue efforts allowed her to have a more peaceful death. MERR performed an autopsy the following day to determine the possible cause of death. MERR determined tThe whale had not eaten for a long period of time and was heavily infested with intestinal parasites. The samples are processed and diagnosed. This can provide information about possible underlying diseases.

“Special thanks to the staff at All Creatures Veterinary Service and all the caring citizens who reported this animal, monitored her and hoped for the best for her,” said MERR Executive Director Suzanne Thurman. “Thank you to everyone involved. We were able to minimize her suffering significantly.”

Short-finned pilot whales are found in the Mid-Atlantic but are usually found in deeper offshore waters where they actively hunt for prey. They are very social animals that tend to live in large family groups. There are strong family bonds, especially between mothers and calves. This young animal may have become separated from its group as its condition worsened. It was almost 9 feet long. Had it reached its full size, it might have been longer than 5.5 metres. The life expectancy of a woman is about 60 years.

MERR provides rescue and assistance for stranded marine animals that occur throughout the state of Delaware. MERR is a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to protecting marine mammals and sea turtles and their habitat. Anyone in Delaware who notices a marine mammal or sea turtle in distress can call MERR’s 24-hour hotline at 302-228-5029.


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