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Nantucket Current | There are varying degrees of conflict of interest

Nantucket Current | There are varying degrees of conflict of interest

To the Editor: I always joked that Nantucket was one big conflict of interest, but what I meant was – somewhat paradoxically – that on a small island with a small year-round population, conflicts of interest are inevitable. I understand Sam Parsons’ point.

But I also had to laugh when she said that hard-working people like those who
Landscaping and house cleaning have the time to serve on the boards, commissions, committees and councils that are an extension of city government. Do they – usually people of color – really have the time to serve on these boards, or is that also a problem?

The recent Nantucket Current report drew attention to the fact that most members of the town government, and by extension its numerous advisory and decision-making bodies, are white. Many are predominantly male and white, although we regularly hear about Nantucket’s powerful women, both current and past.

There are also varying degrees of conflict of interest. Certain members of boards and commissions with consequences base their activities on representing clients who do business before the boards and commissions of which they are a member. Yes, they are usually excluded from the decisions that affect their clients, but there is a direct link between making money through so-called volunteer work.

And then there is the whole process of rejection. Is this under-used? The island’s main business is not tourism, but development and real estate, all of which are tied to the priceless land of Nantucket. A lot of money has been made from this enterprise, and it
It’s not surprising that those who have profited from it want the money train to keep moving, and even keep moving at full steam, even if that means the whole thing comes to an abrupt end at some point in the nebulous future.

Anyone serving on the numerous advisory and decision-making bodies must honestly ask themselves whose financial interests they are primarily serving. Is it their own? Is it their family’s? Is it a relative whose business is affected by their decision? There are certainly varying degrees of conflict of interest. But when that conflict threatens to endanger the quality of life of the larger community, then it becomes a legitimate concern and may even result in legal action.

Maureen Searle


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