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LKN Chamber supports transit referendum, neutral towards Red Line and 1-cent tax

LKN Chamber supports transit referendum, neutral towards Red Line and 1-cent tax

Photo: Kaique Rocha/Pexels

Aug. 28. By Dave Yochum. Charlotte plans to buy 22 miles of Norfolk Southern’s O-Line for $74 million and, pending Charlotte City Council approval, hold a statewide referendum on a one-penny sales tax increase that would ultimately bring commuter rail to Lake Norman.

Background: The Red Line was promised when the existing half-cent sales tax was introduced over 25 years ago, but it never happened, in part because of Norfolk Southern’s refusal to share the O-Line, which runs more or less along Highway 115.

With that in mind, the Lake Norman Chamber board voted to pass the referendum that gives residents the right to vote for or against raising the penny sales tax. The increase would also raise $21 million for road improvements in North Meck, Charlotte officials say.

However, until the relevant legislation affecting the future of the Red Line is finalized, the Chamber of Commerce Board will not comment on either the Red Line or the increase in the public transport tax.

At the moment, it is just a matter of holding a referendum. Even if it were to be accepted, the red line would still be 10 years away.

Questions raised

Jeff Tarte, chairman of the chamber and former mayor of Cornelius and North Carolina senator, asked 54 questions about the Red Line that he would like answered. Here they are, in no particular order:

1. What endpoints were agreed with Norfolk Southern for the Redline?

Jeff Tarte at a Newsmakers breakfast

2. When was the last assessment of the land and tracks that make up the Redline carried out?
3. What value was determined in this report?
4. If no appraisal is available, how were the value and price of the railway line determined?
5. When were the last quotes and proposals for the installation of the Redline sought?
6. When were the last detailed cost estimates and budgets for the redline prepared?
7. Who holds the contract and obligations for the purchase of the O-Line?
8. Who owns the entire Redline Corridor? Are there multiple owners?
9. Do the owners have mineral rights and air rights?
10. Are there any special terms, conditions or clauses in the contract with Norfolk Southern?
11. What provisions apply to late payment and termination in the contract with Norfolk Southern and
any lenders?
12. Do RR easements and associated rules transfer upon purchase?
13. Who bears the contract and the obligations to bear the costs for the implementation of the redline?
14. Will funds be borrowed to purchase Redline? How much, where and at what interest rate?
15. What sources and instruments are being considered to finance the purchase of the Redline?
16. Is financing through TIFIA an option? Is there a P3 option?
17. Are there any financing options that are no longer available since the last estimate?
18. When was the last detailed comparative analysis carried out and are copies of it available?
alternative power sources for the redline?
19. What impact do diesel engines have on Mecklenburg County in Charlotte’s ability to reduce its CO2
Footprint goals?
20. What are the CO2 forecasts along the redline?
21. Will the redline, when diesel engines are present, have an impact on air quality measures in the region?
22. What is the total amount expected to be raised through the additional VAT?
23. When is the Redline installation expected to begin?
24. When is the Redline expected to be operational at the earliest and at the latest?
25. What is the total amount collected by Lake Norman communities for half-cent transit?
Tax increase since 1999?
26. Was the money held in trust, reserved, or deposited and used in general funds?
27. Why do we collect taxes before costs are incurred?
28. If so, will the funds accrue to us and at what interest rate?
29. Does Redline qualify for federal funding?
30. If yes, dollar amount and percentage of total project cost.
31. What requirements must Redline meet to be eligible for federal funding? Conditions?
32. What are the current passenger occupancy rates for the Blueline?
33. How is Blueline’s ridership developing compared to original estimates and current forecasts?
34. What are the estimated/projected ridership numbers and percentages for the Redline?
35. What percentage of operating costs are covered by passenger fees?
36. What percentage of operating costs must be covered by subsidies?
37. Where will the funds for these subsidies come from? What is the approval process?
38. Which shops are currently located within 90 metres of each planned stop?
39. What are the dates of the last TOD draft around each stop?
40. How has the TOD trend around each Blueline stop compared to forecasts?
41. Can you prove in the toll road contract with Centra that Redline does not cause any material or financial
Restrictions when Redline is installed? Can we reference page and line numbers in the contract?
42. What impact does the redline have on traffic at each major intersection? For example, how does
Will the train affect traffic flow on Sam Furr Road? Are there ways to minimize impacts?
43. What are the estimated costs and duration of building a bridge over or under a tunnel?
Road crossing?
44. How will the redline affect traffic entering and leaving schools in the area? For example, what would
the impact on Bailey Middle School and Hough High School at the Bailey Road intersection will be if
Buses and parents bring their children to school and pick them up again?
45. Where is the transfer point between Redline and Blueline?
46. ​​How long is the walking distance to change and is the path covered?
47. How many parking spaces are available within 300 feet of each stop along the Redline?
48. What is the expected maximum distance from a parking lot to each Redline stop?
49. What is the maximum walking distance from the parking lot to the bus stop? Travel time included
wait for the transfer bus?
50. How many meters from Charlotte Douglas International Airport will the terminus of a rail line be?
51. Have we verified and confirmed that the planned stops for the Redline are still valid? If
So when was the date of the last analysis and review?
52. What is the distance from each Redline stop to the three nearest population centers?
53.What does it cost and how long does it take (best estimate) from a house in Magnolia
Properties in Cornelius to any of the following locations:
A) BOA Tower at the corner of Trade and Tryon
B) Panthers Stadium
C) Presbyterian Hospital
A) Car (GP and toll lanes)
B) Train
C) Uber/Lyft
Where can I park and the costs:
A car
B) Train
What time do I have to leave to be at the location:
A) 8:00 a.m. on weekdays
B) Sunday, 13:00
C) 23:00 every weekday
54. Is Charlotte/Mecklenburg County willing to abolish sales tax and donate all revenues to
Deadline for the LKN communities if the redline is not installed by a certain date?


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