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KSHB 41 Weather Blog | Stormy pattern hits Kansas City

KSHB 41 Weather Blog | Stormy pattern hits Kansas City

Happy Wednesday, blog readers —

Get ready for the last breath of summer heat and humidity! Temperatures are expected to reach 30 degrees Celsius on Thursday and Friday, and thunderstorms are possible on Thursday.

A larger storm is then approaching, bringing widespread rain through the weekend.

So, enjoy the last days of summer weather and get ready for a change!

A low pressure system has been hovering over Canada all week. Its rear boundary has brought isolated showers to Kansas.

This boundary has now developed into a front and is moving closer to Kansas City, which we forecast will bring rain.

We expect only light rain showers on Thursday morning, but heavier thunderstorms are possible on Thursday evening.


KSHB 41 – Cassie Wilson

Keep an eye on the weather as a storm front moves from Topeka to Wichita Thursday afternoon.

These storms could reach our western edge by 6 p.m. The metropolitan area could see some storms between 8 and 10 p.m.

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KSHB 41 – Cassie Wilson


KSHB 41 – Cassie Wilson

The greatest danger from the storms is destructive wind gusts and hail, which are most likely to occur between 6 and 10 p.m.

After 10 p.m. the storms should subside and skies are expected to be clear on Friday morning.

This weekend
As the cold front moves through on Thursday, a low pressure system will move along with it and form a stationary front through Kansas.

This stationary front is a slow-moving system that could bring widespread rain for most of the weekend.

If you have outdoor plans for the weekend, you should think about an alternative now.


KSHB 41 – Cassie Wilson

The region could experience significant rainfall by the end of the weekend.

There could be areas with 5 to 10 centimeters of rain, but exact rainfall amounts may change over the next few days.

Stay tuned for updates on where the heaviest rainfall is expected.

Here’s a look at a model that hits the mark for Kansas City.


KSHB 41 – Cassie Wilson

For the Chiefs, the timing is perfect to play in Atlanta this weekend.

The weather is great and you can watch the game from the comfort of your home on KSHB 41.

I don’t know about you, but the rainy weekend forecast makes me think it’s going to be game day with crockpot chili!


KSHB 41 – Cassie Wilson


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