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It hurts her that her family owes her wedding solely to her sister’s pregnancy – Page 2 – Chip Chick

It hurts her that her family owes her wedding solely to her sister’s pregnancy – Page 2 – Chip Chick

She recommended that Sarah announce the pregnancy somewhere else, such as at the family dinner the next day.

Sarah refused to listen to her and actually hung up. She didn’t hear a word from Sarah in the days leading up to her wedding.

She rightly assumed that Sarah would not want to attract all the attention at her wedding, but she was wrong.

Her reception itself went smoothly and then it was time for her family members to give their speeches.

“My father stood up to say a few words, and in the middle of it he suddenly said, ‘And now a special announcement from Sarah!'” I froze,” she continued.

“Sarah stood up, beaming from ear to ear, and announced her pregnancy to the entire room. Everyone clapped and cheered while I sat there in shock. I didn’t want to make a scene, so I didn’t say anything at the time, but after the wedding I confronted Sarah and my parents.”

“I told them how hurt I was that they were going against my wishes and that I felt like my wedding would be overshadowed by the announcement. Sarah said I was being ridiculous and that I should be happy for her. My parents took her side and said I was overexcited and that weddings are family affairs so I should have expected this.”

Her wedding has caused great division among her loved ones, with some saying she really owes Sarah an apology, while others are on her side.

Her own husband is furious and wants her to minimize contact with her family for the foreseeable future, wondering if she was wrong not to allow Sarah to announce the pregnancy at her wedding, as it would have caused drama anyway.

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