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“I don’t know how to care for my son”

“I don’t know how to care for my son”

Brittany Renner On Instagram, she shared a candid and emotional update about the big changes in her life. In the candid video, Renner talked about her inner struggles, the breakdown of her external world, and how she relies on her faith to get through this difficult time.

“Allahu Akbar,” Renner began, expressing how her inner transformation has drastically affected every aspect of her life. She admitted to feeling “incredibly uncertain” about her future and confessed that she has no idea where she will live or how she will care for her son. Despite the uncertainty, Renner is leaning on her faith in Allah and is confident that the same strength that helped her overcome obstacles before will guide her through this time as well.

Reflecting on her current state, Renner compared herself to Alice in Wonderland, describing how she felt like Alice after eating the cookie and how her body became too big to fit in her house. “I’ve outgrown the place I am,” she shared. “The facade is fading, alhamdulillah, and I’m at a point where I don’t want anything that doesn’t have my name on it.” Stressing that she only wants what is truly meant for her, Renner said, “Take it away. It has no purpose here.”

In her powerful message, Renner expressed her contentment with having less, explaining, “I don’t want a penny more than I deserve because I can do a lot with a little.” As she gets rid of anything that no longer serves her, Renner believes that breaking down the facade makes room for what is truly meant for her.

This vulnerable post comes as Renner continues her personal path of growth

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