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Her friend just disinvited her from her wedding abroad, even though she had already spent over ,000 on plane tickets – Chip Chick

Her friend just disinvited her from her wedding abroad, even though she had already spent over $1,000 on plane tickets – Chip Chick

This woman was invited to her college friend’s wedding almost a year ago. Later, her friend sent her and her other college friends a save the date for their destination wedding.

They all live in America, but their friend’s wedding is in Asia. She had made sure she had booked the tickets, but today her group received a text message from her friend, the bride.

Her friend uninvited them all from the wedding because she had no place for them to stay. She apologized and said she hoped no one had booked their plane tickets.

The thing is, she already spent over $1,000 on her plane tickets, and that was three days ago.

So she sent her friend a private message listing the amount she spent and saying that she would try to cancel the order but would most likely not get her money back.

Finally, she told her friend that she understood that there was limited space at the wedding.

Her friend replied that if it was not possible to cancel her flight tickets, she could try to find a solution, but begged her not to tell her other friends.

Apparently the staff at the hotel chosen by her friend is unable to provide additional rooms for the wedding guests.

So she’s wondering if she should try to get some of her money back or if she should try to go to the wedding even though she was disinvited.

anekoho – – for illustration purposes only, not the actual person

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