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Ford has a special new color for the Mustang GTD, inspired by the worst piece of Star Wars technology

Ford has a special new color for the Mustang GTD, inspired by the worst piece of Star Wars technology

Every now and then I get a message through secret and mysterious channels that Ford is doing something fun or interesting. This time, when I held the warm, vibrating dove in my hands and took out the message capsule, a rather cryptic message awaited me: “MUSTANG GTD HOLOGRAPHIC BLUE”. What the heck is that?

That’s what it’s about. One color. One color for the $300,000 Mustang GTD, which already has a history of interesting colors, especially colors with science fiction inspirations. I’m extremely for good, real colors on cars, because right now the global auto landscape is being swallowed by a giant grayscale octopus that’s relentlessly sucking all the real colors out of the Earth’s cars. That’s something that has to be fought against.

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Luckily, the color in question, Holographic Blue, is definitely a real color, a beautiful, bold shade of blue with some shimmery highlights, and it looks like this:


Well, anyone can see this out there in the world and appreciate the sky blue of it all, but I happened to have a little more Information, especially about what inspired this color: the worst technology in all major star Wars Universe.

The star Wars film series, a series about a series of wars and skirmishes over galactic trade routes and various mysterious tax laws, all taking place a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, features a wide variety of extremely advanced fictional technologies, including faster-than-light travel and communication, anti-gravity technology, highly advanced, even sentient robots and AI, blue milk, and much more. The series also features holographic display technology, which interestingly enough, is crap.

I mean, look at this most famous example, when the droid R2-D2 plays Princess Leia’s recorded cry for help:

Remember, this is a locally saved message! It didn’t have to be sent from anywhere! There shouldn’t be any transmission problems or glitches or anything like that! This is the preferably it can look like.

I already wrote in 2015 about how annoying this is:

Let me clarify this a little: Why is the image quality of the vast majority of star Wars Holograms are so crappy? Most holograms we see have a strong blue tint that washes out any color that might have actually made it into the image, they flicker and distort, they have huge scan lines – they suck.

The picture quality is almost identical to the 1979 Montgomery Ward 12″ CRT TV I found on a curb on Wilshire Boulevard, except it had holograms. I could walk around and see how crappy the picture quality is from a glorious 360-degree perspective.

At first I thought it might be because of the enormous transmission distances – holograms seem to travel much, much faster than light, so maybe we can forgive the poor quality, right?

But that doesn’t explain why they look so bad. Or, perhaps more importantly, why everyone seems to be OK with how bad they look. You’d think a control freak like Darth Vader would have freaked out if some Period, wondering why the hell he couldn’t make a hologram of the Emperor that didn’t look like a glowing blue dildo on a table was talking to him.

The image quality of star Wars Holograms are just awful. There are very obvious vertical scan lines, blown out details, flickering, shimmering, image distortion and, yes, everything is washed out into that bluish color that inspired this:


According to my Ford source, it’s definitely those crappy holograms that are the basis for this color! And yes, I think I can see it in that blue, especially in the highlights that look like the blown out parts of those crappy holograms!


So what should you do with this information? I guess if you buy your Mustang GTD and decide to go for a nice, attractive blue, you can do so knowing that the color comes directly from the star Wars the shittiest technologies in the universe.

And yes, I also include their robot torture technology:

Man, these crazy people.

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