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Do suburban women like Donald Trump? We asked Inquirer readers.

Do suburban women like Donald Trump? We asked Inquirer readers.

At a rally in Michigan last week Donald Trump said: “I keep hearing that suburban women don’t like Trump. I think that’s a fake poll. Why wouldn’t they like me? I think they like me a lot.” The Inquirer asked suburban women to share their thoughts on the former president. Here are some of the responses.

I don’t like Trump at all. He has no respect for women, he’s a narcissist and only cares about himself. He’s chaotic and confused and says whatever he wants – and makes it all up as he goes. He’s obsessed with how badly he’s treated and will never acknowledge the privilege that his birth into great wealth has afforded him.

Rachel Hunter, Wynnewood

I like Trump. Under the Trump administration, I got a 3% mortgage and gas was $2 a gallon. I think he will save us from World War III.

Kay McBride, New hope

I would rather vote for anyone else with a pulse. I would never vote for such a dangerous person. He is a liar, a creep, and a felon.

Sandra Gerber, Philadelphia

This suburban woman doesn’t like anything about Trump. He has significantly weakened our democracy, freedom and the rule of law in his first term and will do far more serious and irreparable damage if re-elected. He and his minions have attacked our elections at every level. He takes credit for overturning Roe v. Wade and has put thousands of women’s lives at risk as a result. He wants to essentially gut Social Security and Medicare and eliminate other social and regulatory programs that protect our safety and well-being. The first time he played dictatorship, pandering to white nationalists and courting tyrants in other countries. The next time he wants to turn our country into a Christofascist state where his billionaire donors act as oligarchs to suck the remaining resources of a depleted middle class. As a woman, I imagine our hard-won place in society being set back 200 years.

Bobbie Salvatore, Springfield

” READ MORE: Donald Trump is a clear and present danger | Editorial

Donald Trump’s “women want security” scaremongering is not what women really want. We want to be free, we want choice, equality, and respect. Trump offers none of that.

Trista Mack, Florida, United States.

This criminal, racist, misogynistic old man ranting about sharks and Hannibal Lecter is a repeat of the same old failed politics, hatred, and childish insults. He only cares about himself – and staying out of jail.

Nicole Paul, Southampton

I don’t know how he even got on the ballot. What happened to the GOP?

Ann Babcock, Macungie

I don’t like Donald Trump, have never voted for him, and never will. And I am a lifelong Republican and former Ronald Reagan candidate. He is a liar, a cheat, a rapist, a loser, and has been terrible for the Republican Party. His handpicked candidates in Pennsylvania were terrible and deservedly lost by a wide margin. He caused the inflation we are now suffering from and refuses to admit that his COVID-19 policies were terrible. He says whatever he thinks to get applause. He associates with some of the worst people. He is unfit to serve as President.

Kay Kinney, Doylestown

I support Trump. I don’t support all ultra-conservative ideologies, but I think the media gives way too much attention to this minority and ignores the large number of moderate Republicans. I don’t think the Democratic Party represents suburban families anymore.

Jaime Närke, Phoenixville

This suburban woman hates Trump.

Rosanne Butler, Waynesville, NC

I don’t like Trump. Not at all. I don’t find his personality or his values ​​appealing in any way. He only serves himself and those who might benefit him in the future. As someone who values ​​community and believes we should work for the good of all, his blatant self-interest and disregard for the weak repulses me.

Amy Lisk, Downingtown

I oppose everything Trump stands for – the hate, the division, the racism, the anti-LGBTQ policies, and the stripping of women’s reproductive rights.

Beth Scheetz, Harrisburg

Donald Trump lies, cheats, divides, and has a tyrant’s ability to see people’s weak points and target them. Unlike a true leader, he has no idea how to find and nurture the light in people or ideas. That’s why this suburban woman associates him with darkness and everything that is ugly. As John Keats put it, “‘Beauty is truth, truth is beauty’ – that is all you know on earth, and all you need to know.”

Susan Korman, Yardley

” READ MORE: Donald Trump fails accountability test | Editorial

I despise Donald Trump with all my heart for too many reasons to list here. His vile rhetoric is poisonous to our society, and his policies are an attack on our democracy and world peace. He is a money-grubbing sociopath. We must vote overwhelmingly against him and everyone who supports him in the name of justice and decency.

Jennifer Grannis, Pasadena, California.

Donald Trump is a disgrace to the office of President. He is intentionally rude, hateful, vindictive, controlling, and verbally abusive. He is not qualified to run for re-election. He lacks knowledge of foreign policy, diplomacy, economics, and our government system or projects. He seeks power without taking the responsibility to learn how to do the job.

Lauren Averill, Maryland.

I can’t stand Donald Trump. He has never stood up for the people. He is a fraud who only wants to line his own pockets. I have worked hard and I want all women to have rights. We are not going backwards.

Eva Canitano, Charlotte, North Carolina (State)

Trump is a clear threat to our democracy. He should never be allowed near the Oval Office again.

Denise Campana, Collegeville

This suburban woman loathes Trump. And I was a city girl growing up in Trump Village in Brooklyn. We knew from a very early age how despicable he was. And he has only gotten worse. The man is a rapist, a liar, a narcissist, an adulterer, and willing to sell himself and this country to the highest bidder.

Debra Ross, Manalapan, New Jersey

Of course we don’t like Donald Trump. We care about the future of this country, so we want to protect our rights and freedoms, the health and education of our children, and basic standards of decency.

Carrie Nielsen, Bryn Mawr

I detest Donald Trump. He is an authoritarian nightmare with clearly sociopathic behaviors. He is a grave danger to our constitutional republic and our democracy. He is a convicted felon and a court-convicted sex offender. He has a proven history of racist practices, fraud, and financial abuses, including multiple bankruptcies. I look forward to burying the MAGA minority in this election and to his incarceration for 34 felony convictions.

Rebecca Gail, Conshohocken

Trump’s disgusting and condescending comments about women, his lack of support for the Capitol Police on January 6, 2021, and his disdain for those who have served in the military (including my father and brothers) disqualify him as a candidate for any office, let alone the presidency. He is yesterday’s news. Kamala Harris is the future. This woman from the suburbs knows the job and is ready to do it.

Erin Saddic, West Chester

” READ MORE: A Trump victory would usher in an American theocracy centered on the destruction of reproductive rights | Editorial

Donald Trump is despicable and his presidency and political engagement are the worst things that has ever happened to America.

Laura Grablutz, Kimberton

No, we don’t like him at all! He is a threat to our way of life. He is available to whoever offers the most, for whatever reason. He has no morals, no scruples and no intelligence. He threatens our way of life.

Karen Mirckle, Douglasville

I can’t stand that man. I live for the day we hear from him for the last time. It can’t come soon enough.

Kate Williamson, Bordentown

A senior citizen from the suburbs here. I’ve always hated liars and drug addicts. He is the epitome of both. A disgusting human being who thinks he’s smart and handsome. Neither is true. The world is watching. Are we smart and American or are we mired in ignorant hatred and fascism?

Lynn McGarvey, Ambler

I detest Donald Trump and his constant denigration of women. Dobbs v. Jackson – Women’s Health Organization His decision was the epitome of arrogance and disregard for women’s rights. He must never be allowed to return to the White House.

Anne Pickrell, Coatesville

This suburban woman and all her friends would rather see Trump rot in prison than ever let him back into the White House. How can he still be free four years after his failed coup?

Martha Holland, New City

Trump is fundamentally a narcissistic bully, misogynist, and racist, and the opposite of everything I want to teach my children. I will never support anyone who so blatantly and brazenly undermines the very core of our democracy, nor anyone who pursues an agenda that specifically targets minorities, including people of color and the LGBTQ community, which includes some people I care about. He is a stain on the vibrancy that once defined America, and I look forward to the day when we never have to speak his name again.

Nicole Laird, Horsham

I was raised to believe you can hate Brussels sprouts but not people, so I say I don’t like Donald Trump. As a white woman in an interracial marriage, a mother of three beautiful black women, an English as a Second Language teacher, a friend and advocate for immigrants, and a suburbanite, I can say I’m not afraid.

I’m not afraid to enjoy Chicago. My daughters all graduated from great universities there and live in the city. I’m not afraid of immigrants. I work with immigrant children and their families, and they are the joy of my life. Most of my ESL students have better vocabularies and are better speakers than Trump. Trump is a compulsive liar. He’s a misogynist and a rapist. He doesn’t respect our military. He praises dictators like Vladimir Putin. He doesn’t support our allies. He doesn’t make me feel safer. My family didn’t fare any better financially under his presidency. Stop this insanity.

Cheryl Jones, Lakemoor, Illinois.

As a suburban woman, I certainly don’t like Trump. His policies are terrible for women and the country. He’s also a petty, vindictive con man who should never be allowed near the White House again.

Valerie Johnsen, The Villages, Florida.


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