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Did Mativ Holdings insiders sell shares?
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Did Mativ Holdings insiders sell shares?

Anyone interested in Mativ Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:MATV) should probably be aware that the President, Julie Schertell, recently disposed of $214,000 worth of the company’s stock at an average price of $17.81 per share. However, the silver lining is that the sale only reduced her overall stake by 4.1%, so we don’t want to draw too much conclusions from that alone.

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Mativ Holdings insider transactions in the last year

In fact, according to our records, Julie Schertell’s recent sale was the largest sale of Mativ Holdings shares by an insider in the last twelve months. This means that an insider sold shares below the current price ($18.16). Generally, we find it discouraging when insiders sell below the current price because it gives the impression that they were happy with a lower valuation. Please note, however, that sellers may have various reasons for selling, so we do not know exactly what they think of the share price. This single sale only represented 4.1% of Julie Schertell’s stake.

Encouragingly, we note that insiders paid US$628k for 38k shares over the last year. But insiders sold 12k shares valued at US$214k. Over the last twelve months, there were more purchases than sales among Mativ Holdings insiders. Below is a visual representation of insider transactions (by companies and individuals) over the last 12 months. By clicking on the graph below, you can see the exact details of each insider transaction!

Insider trading volume
NYSE:MATV Insider Trading Volume August 18, 2024

Mativ Holdings is not the only stock that insiders are buying. For those who like to find Small-cap companies at attractive valuations, The free A list of growing companies with recent insider purchases might be just the thing.

Insider ownership of Mativ Holdings

Looking at a company’s total insider share holdings can help you judge whether they are well aligned with common shareholders. We typically like to see a relatively high level of insider ownership. Mativ Holdings insiders own about $21 million worth of shares, representing 2.1% of the company. This level of insider ownership is good, but not particularly remarkable. It certainly suggests a reasonable level of alignment.

So what do Mativ Holdings’ insider transactions mean?

An insider recently sold Mativ Holdings shares, but he didn’t buy any. On the other hand, insider transactions over the past year are encouraging. And insiders own shares, so we aren’t too concerned about recent sales. In addition to knowing about ongoing insider transactions, it is beneficial to identify the risks Mativ Holdings faces. For example, we have identified: 4 warning signs for Mativ Holdings (1 is worrying) You should be aware of this.

Naturally, If you look elsewhere, you may find a fantastic investment. So take a look at the free List of interesting companies.

For the purposes of this article, insiders are those individuals who report their transactions to the relevant regulator. Currently, we only consider open market transactions and private disposals of direct holdings, but not derivative transactions or indirect holdings.

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