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Deer jumps over two cars and lands on the back of a truck as the owner was about to sell him: “Saved ,000 thanks to Rudolph”

Deer jumps over two cars and lands on the back of a truck as the owner was about to sell him: “Saved $1,000 thanks to Rudolph”

In the animal kingdom, it’s all about survival, whether you’re a predator seeking its next meal or a prey trying to stay off the dinner plate.

And deer seem to have it particularly tough. From birth, they are a prime meal for most predators. Weak and completely defenseless, but still packing a significant amount of protein, fawns are a favorite target of mountain lions, bears, coyotes, wolves and more.

But as they get older, things don’t get much easier. While they’re still on the menu for the predators mentioned above, they also have to worry about harsh climates, scarce food sources, diseases like CWD, hunters, or even being hit by a car on the highway.

And while they may be able to throw a few front kicks in desperate situations, their most important survival trait is speed. You know, the good old “if you can’t fight, just run” mentality. And they’re damn fast.

Quick bursts of speed and agility allow them to run short distances at speeds of up to 35 miles per hour. But they’re not just fast, they can jump FAR. They reach heights of 8 feet and can clear most backyard fences fairly easily, but the distance will surprise you. An adult white-tailed deer can jump a whopping 30 feet… we’re talking about jumping across a road (and yet we bump into them every day).

This buck in New Jersey recently showed off his impressive jumps, but the circumstances may be even funnier than you think. A man named Jay Vaughan shared this video captured on his home security camera.

Jay wanted to sell his Chevy Silverado in like-new condition, and when a potential buyer pulled up to look at the tires, the car was, let’s just say, not 100% like-new.

A deer flies over, jumps over two cars and almost drives around the truck that is for sale, but unfortunately for Jay, lands right on the back of the truck:

“I’m listing my 2007 Chevy Silverado on FB marketplace and a guy from North Jersey calls and wants the truck 1000% as long as the body is as nice as it looks in the pictures. I assure him it’s like new and he says he’ll drive over with the money.

Here’s a video of him driving up in the white Tahoe.”


Incredible, is not it?

I mean, what an incredible distance. Unfortunately, it wasn’t far enough for the owner of our truck. But don’t worry… the guy bought the truck anyway.

“He bought it anyway and just saved $1,000 thanks to Rudolph.”

Can you imagine losing $1,000 because of this?


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