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Community Corner: ImJ3N3R1C (Women of Halo) | Halo

Community Corner: ImJ3N3R1C (Women of Halo) | Halo

Welcome back to the Community Corner!

This month we have Jenn (“ImJ3N3R1C”) as our guest, who talks about her journey with the franchise, competitive gloriolethe group and community “Women of Halo” and more.

Welcome, Jenn! Thank you for joining us for this edition of Community Corner. Introduce yourself – tell us a little about who you are, what you do in the gloriole Community and where we can find you online.

Hello! My name is Jennifer, but the gloriole The community knows me as J3N3R1C. gloriole has been a big part of my life for about twenty years, and I’m currently the Vice President of Operations and Creative Director of the Women of Halo fan group.

Before assisting at WoH, I occasionally participated in online tournaments and various women’s tournaments. I spent many years as a casual player gloriole Player who enjoys social playlists with friends, but has always watched MLG, AGL, HCS, etc. Outside of glorioleI work full time for the State of California and look forward to completing my Masters in Forensic Psychology in the spring of 1925.

Jenn's personal Women of Halo banner

How was your great trip with gloriole begin?

Gaming has always had a special place in my heart. My dad raised me and was a huge gamer. Our Friday night ritual was a trip to Blockbuster to find a new N64 game for the weekend – those weekends are still some of my fondest memories.

I started playing gloriole when I was 12. My father was with my now stepmother and she had three children. Her eldest son played Halo2 custom games with his friends, and sometimes they included me. I was essentially a body filling the lobby and an easy target for practice. I was determined to improve and not be used as a target. I still play to this day.

What are some of the areas of gloriole what do you like most and why? Campaign and story, multiplayer, Forge, etc.

The areas gloriole I enjoy Ranked Arena and HCS events the most. I’m a competitive person and need to constantly improve and rank up. I struggle to play anything these days that doesn’t have an incentive like ranking up or placing well in a tournament and I’ve found that HCS is the most fun to watch.

Some people like sports like football or baseball, I like competitive sports gloriole. Watching my favorite game at an amazingly high level and feeling the energy of the participants and fellow fans is an incomparable experience. I have yet to find another hobby that entertains and stimulates my brain as much as a competition. gloriole does.

Group photo of the Women of Halo at HCS Salt Lake City 2024

Who are some of your favorite gloriole Characters and why?

It’s so hard to choose a single favorite gloriole Character. My absolute favorite characters are the Master Chief, Cortana, Johnson, and the Arbiter. If I had to choose just one, I would choose the Arbiter.

In science fiction sagas, I tend to side with the rebels and root for the underdogs. When the Arbiter rebelled against the Prophets and the elites left the Covenant, I knew he would be my favorite. Plus, he’s voiced by Keith David, one of my favorite voice artists, so bonus points for the Arbiter.

Do you have a favorite piece gloriole Merch on your shelf?

My favorite gloriole The merch item is actually one I made myself. It’s the Women of Halo mosaic. I collected over 200 photos of ladies in the community and put together a Lady Spartan mosaic.

I plan on making this an annual event, so I’ll continue to collect photos of more ladies as they join our community. It was the first piece of Women of Halo merch I created, and it has a lot of meaning to me. It highlights the incredible community we’ve built.

Women of Halo mosaic consisting of many profile pictures of women in the Halo community

Let’s talk about Women of Halo – tell us about this amazing group and how it started.

The group “Women of Halo” was founded at the release of Halo Infinite by Hayley (@Veronickuh_) and Jenn (@Lady_Echidna), where they set up a Discord server for ladies in the gloriole Community. The main purpose of Discord was to create a place where women could meet friends, find groups to play in, promote women’s tournaments, and grow the community. Hayley has worked on women’s tournaments for many years, running women’s eights tournaments, and building our community – so Discord was crucial to enabling this growth. It’s where I was able to meet many friends and find my place to contribute to our community.

Not long after InfiniteWhen I began launching Women of Halo, I approached Hayley and Jenn about reinvigorating the group and was welcomed with open arms. We saw there was an opportunity to continue to grow the community and make the Women of Halo name something bigger than we originally expected. The three of us knew we needed additional girl power to achieve our ambitious goals, and we knew Celeste (@itsBiiTTERSWEET) and Kristine/Domino (@KrisEsfandiary) would be invaluable to the team. The five of us are actively working behind the scenes to provide opportunities for the Women of Halo community.

Did you have any specific goals in mind when you founded this group?

The Women of Halo have concrete goals in mind. We want to continue to provide a welcoming, fertile environment for women to meet friends and play the game they love. glorioleLiving as a woman in male-dominated spaces can be challenging at times, so creating a space where we feel safe and accepted without anyone judging us is liberating.

We plan to host regular community game nights, impromptu tournaments, and 8-man lobbies. We are currently building the brand and network. We have hosted several tournaments so far and are looking to host more in the future. The women’s tournaments are a great way for ladies to improve competitively and make a name for themselves if they intend to compete in HCS events. For those who do not want to compete in HCS, the tournaments are a fun way to play games with friends.

In the future, we would like to have a women’s gloriole League with large prize pools and high participation.

Group photo of Women of Halo at HCS London 2024

What does it mean to you personally to be a voice for women in the gloriole Community?

I am honored to be the voice of women in the gloriole Community. I have always been a quiet, introverted person and never expected to be in a position where I represent an entire community. I feel it is a privilege and a great responsibility.

Ultimately, I want the ladies in our community to get the recognition they deserve and for women’s existence in gaming spaces to be normalized. If I can have a lasting impact and use my voice to empower all women, I consider myself successful.

I’m confident that as a community we will make a positive impact on gaming spaces. The future is bright and I’m excited to experience it with everyone.

Photo by Jenn with @K1DDQ, @MonieIRL and @SavageGiggles

What are the things you love most about the Women of Halo community?

The women of Halo are incredibly special to me and there are countless things I love about our community. I have had the honor of meeting and befriending some of the most wonderful ladies you could imagine.

Our community is made up of people from all different backgrounds, regions, personalities, ambitions and perspectives. There is something to learn from each person. We have become a close-knit group where everyone is willing to reach out and offer support wherever it is needed. I feel like it is rare to find a group this large that is as close-knit and cares about each other as we do. I am grateful for each and every woman.

What’s coming up for the Women of Halo community? Are there any events, streams, etc. we should keep an eye on?

We have big plans! To give you a little taste, we are in talks with a few organizations to plan tournaments. We have officially launched a Twitch channel ( and are planning to stream community nights.

Look out for community game nights, Lady 8s, pop-up tournaments, larger scale tournaments, and more @nYDaYQuiL mini 8s tournaments.

Some of our leaders also plan to attend events and have stickers to hand out. We’ll post event information on Twitter and in our Discord, so be sure to follow us for updates!

Social banner “Women of Halo”

What are some of your biggest inspirations in life?

One of my greatest inspirations in life is knowing that a small act of kindness can have a positive impact on those around us.

Like many people, I have experienced my share of trauma and difficult years. I have struggled with depression and had moments where I felt like the world was closing in on me. Thankfully, I was able to find healing and coping mechanisms that worked for me, and I am in a much better place mentally than I was before. I don’t want anyone else to experience those lows, so I try to approach my days and situations with empathy and understanding.

I think the world would benefit from more compassion and I am inspired by the knowledge that every small act of humanity can have a lasting positive impact.

Are there people out there who inspire you and who you would like to give a shout out to?

The people who inspire me are my family – especially my father and sister. Without them and their continued influence on my life, I would not be the person I am today. My father has tried his best to raise two girls on his own and I am proud of him for everything he has accomplished and for the support he gives me. My sister is my best friend and without her I would be lost.

I am also inspired by the phenomenal ladies who work with me on Women of Halo. Hayley, Jenn, Celeste, and Kristine/Domino are remarkable and I am lucky to call them my friends. I also want to express my gratitude to the entire Women of Halo community. There are too many ladies to name, but I cannot stress enough how much I love them all.

Photo by Jenn with @K1DDQ and @MonieIRL

Tell us an interesting fact about yourself!

An interesting fact about me? I’m a decent artist. I designed the Women of Halo logo and our merchandise designs. I won several art contests during high school and continue to draw for fun in my free time.

Thanks again for participating in this edition, Jenn! Any parting words you’d like to share?

Thank you for letting me be here! I would like to thank everyone who supports the Women of Halo group and our initiatives. The bigger gloriole Community, 343, HCS and various organizations have all shown their passionate support and I can’t thank everyone enough. I’m excited for the opportunity to speak on behalf of the Women of Halo and look forward to our future!


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