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Channel change and digital transformation: How to achieve true omnichannel customer service

Channel change and digital transformation: How to achieve true omnichannel customer service

Customers no longer have to contact companies only by phone. The modern customer journey now takes place across multiple channels, from SMS to social media to video. To meet rising expectations, it is crucial to use the right channels for customer service.

70% of customers say they would be willing to buy more from companies that offer convenient support across multiple channels. The problem is that many companies still don’t know which channels to prioritize. They’re still looking for the “perfect channel.”

In reality, many consumer groups have different preferences, so it is crucial for companies to take a multifaceted approach when building their customer experience (CX) strategy.

The channel change: further development of communication channels

Voice calls remain a valuable tool for contact centers. 65% of customers say they still prefer to communicate via voice in customer service for speed and convenience. In addition, voice interactions can still deliver exceptional results, achieving an average customer satisfaction rating of 86%.

However, there is a clear shift towards digital channels in the contact center landscape. More and more customers, both Millennials and Generation Z, are digital natives who are used to finding the information they need online and interacting with companies via social media, email and web chat.

Email is perhaps one of the most important digital communication channels for customer service teams. After all, there are more than 4 billion email users worldwide, and email offers a convenient alternative to calling for customers who don’t need immediate assistance.

However, the digital communications landscape extends much further and includes channels such as:

1. Live chat

72% of customers use online chat when they want to contact a brand. Live chat can provide an experience that combines the best of email and phone support, combining real-time assistance with a convenient service that doesn’t require waiting on hold.

Additionally, it can be a great source of insights for businesses, allowing team members to collect data on common customer inquiries and better understand the customer journey.

2. Self-service

Self-service is by far one of the most popular customer service solutions among younger generations. It allows customers to get quick answers to their questions without having to wait for a representative to assist them. The challenge for companies is that self-service interactions can occur across multiple channels.

Automated IVR systems, chatbots, FAQ knowledge bases, and automated troubleshooting solutions provide access to various types of self-service. To minimize customer frustration, it is important to prioritize easy access to self-service channels.

3. Social media

According to one study, 47% of respondents said they feel more positive about brands that offer customer support via social media. Again, the concern for contact center managers is that there are so many different social channels to consider, from X () to Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn for B2B professionals, and even TikTok.

A comprehensive omnichannel customer service strategy that leverages social media requires companies to have a thorough understanding of the channels their customers use.

4. Mobile messages

Up to 97% of the US population owns a smartphone. Mobile messaging is a great way to connect with customers on the go and provide them with personalized service. In today’s world, mobile messaging is not just limited to SMS and MMS messages.

Companies are also interacting through asynchronous messaging apps like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger, allowing customers to continue the conversation at a time that suits them.

5. Video chat

For some support issues, video chat can be extremely helpful. The ability to share your screen and interact with customers face-to-face can be crucial, especially during technical discussions. Video calls are a great way for companies to walk customers through troubleshooting steps or demonstrate visual solutions in real time.

Additionally, it can help strengthen relationships with customers and pave the way for more human interactions in a world dominated by automation.

6. Augmented Reality

Extended reality may not be as prevalent in the digital customer service world as some other channels, but it is quickly gaining attention. Virtual reality landscapes offer an immersive way to engage customers, provide training, and offer product demonstrations.

Augmented Reality also provides customers with access to seamless step-by-step instructions and support by overlaying important information over real-world environments.

The right channel at the right time for the right result

In fact, there is no “perfect channel” for the future of customer communications. Every customer has their own preferences for how and when they want to engage with your company and which channels they want to use.

Robert Mansfield, Chief Technology Officer at Content Gurusays: “Customers want to interact with your business on their terms, through the right channel, at the right time, and with the right outcome. Whether it’s phone, voice, email, or WhatsApp, your business must be ready to meet customers where they are. Investing in a cloud-based omnichannel customer service solution is essential for any business looking to reduce customer effort and improve their customer experience.

Content Gurus Storm The platform leverages cutting-edge intelligent automation and advanced data analytics to enable companies to personalize interactions and optimize operations.

It’s not just about introducing new tools – it’s about changing the way companies connect with customers and making every touchpoint a seamless and engaging experience.”

The right approach to the future of digital transformation requires a careful assessment of your target audience. Intelligently aggregating customer data using a Customer Data Platform (CDP) as well as using journey mapping to identify your customers’ key touchpoints is essential.

Once you’ve identified the right channels for effective customer service, you need a platform that aligns them. A truly comprehensive experience requires a platform that can seamlessly integrate multiple channels into a single consistent interface for your agents. Look for a contact center solution that:

1. Align all your technology

An effective omnichannel contact center provides access to more than just the right communication channels. It should combine everything from video conferencing to SMS and social media messaging in a single interface. But it should also be integrated with the important tools your agents use to personalize and improve customer journeys, such as a CDP.

A complete solution that combines data and customer service channels paves the way for more personal, engaging conversations and improves workplace efficiency.

2. Enables intelligent automation

Automation is key to bringing speed and efficiency to an omnichannel contact center. It also enables companies to offer comprehensive self-service experiences in the form of customized chatbots, intelligent IVR systems and voice bots.

Intelligent automation solutions can reduce the number of calls and contact requests your agents must handle while still providing 24/7 support to customers. Additionally, they can help streamline tasks such as outbound calling, call summarization, and strategic routing.

Embracing the future of customer communication

Customer journeys have evolved dramatically in recent years. Today, they are multi-stage omnichannel experiences that must be fully coordinated to provide consistent, efficient and personalized service.

“To benefit from both synchronous and asynchronous messaging platforms, as well as transition channels such as voice, your company needs a solution that can integrate multiple communication channels into a single interface. With Stormcompanies can combine all customer touchpoints, from social media and live chat to email and phone, into a unified system. In addition, by leveraging intelligent automation and advanced data analytics, they can Storm helps companies refine their customer engagement strategies, gain actionable insights, and maintain a competitive advantage in an ever-evolving business landscape.”

An omnichannel customer experience platform that aligns both your channels and your data, enables intelligent automation, and provides valuable insights into customer needs will ensure you can succeed in the new age of customer expectations.


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