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Broward Teachers Union President Anna Fusco finally responds to union licensing issues with another attack on school board members

Broward Teachers Union President Anna Fusco finally responds to union licensing issues with another attack on school board members

BTU President Anna Fusco

Days after REDBROWARD revealed that the Broward Teachers Union (BTU) had not received automatic union accreditation despite less than 60 percent of members paying dues, President Anna Fusco has finally addressed the issue. On Monday, the BTU promised that an upcoming email from Fusco would clear up the “false news” about the decertification process. During a school board workshop on Tuesday, David Azzarito, the district’s human resources director, confirmed that the BTU (and its units) had not received automatic accreditation.

So much for “fake news”.

On Wednesday, Fusco sent an email to teachers in which Fusco attacked school board members Torey Alston and Brenda Fam by name.

Fusco wrote, “Torey Alston, along with anti-worker board member Brenda Fam, are spreading misinformation about BTU and the upcoming PERC elections. We are not surprised that these two continue to attack faculty and support staff.”

Neither Alston nor Fam play a role in the union’s certification process. Under Florida law, the certification and recertification processes are conducted by the Florida Public Employees Relations Commission (PERC).

Here is Anna Fusco’s full email:

As many of you may have heard, Torey Alston, fresh off his crushing defeat, along with anti-worker board member Brenda Fam, are spreading misinformation about BTU and the upcoming PERC elections. It is no surprise to us that these two continue to attack faculty and support staff.

These are the same people who:

• Voted against your salary increases and later even tried to push through the following: Contrary to popular belief:

Voted against referendum funds and refused salary increases for

Now they want you to leave the only union that fought AGAINST all of this. Hmm, I wonder why they want to get rid of the BTU…

It is true that certain unions representing public employees in Florida will be required to report their membership numbers annually due to anti-union legislation enacted in 2023. If their membership is below a qualified 60% majority, they must petition the Public Employees Relations Commission (PERC) for an election.

PERC is processing BU petitions and elections will be held soon.

No decision has yet been made as to whether these elections will be held locally or by postal vote.

But one thing is clear: the BTU’s certification has not been revoked.

BTU remains the certified collective bargaining representative for all four units – Education Professionals (EP), Education Support Professionals (ESP) and Technical Support Professionals (TSP), supervisory and non-supervisory personnel.

Because we are united, have collective agreements and are represented by the BTU, management cannot unilaterally change benefits or other working conditions.

Your contracts remain fully valid and effective and all your rights and claims remain protected.

There is no denying that anti-union politicians are working hard to silence our voices, but we will not allow them to succeed. Now more than ever, we must stand together and ensure our union remains strong by increasing our membership. Our strength is in our numbers, and by standing together, we protect our careers, our contracts, and the future of our profession.

Voting to keep the BTU as our bargaining representative is not just a choice; it is a necessity to protect everything we have fought for.

A “yes” vote strengthens the strength of the BTU, while a “no” vote not only weakens us – it takes away the ability of ANY union to represent us.

A no vote means there is no other union and we are all left defenseless and vulnerable to exploitation. We cannot and will not allow teachers to become ununionized and lose their collective power.

This is our chance to rally our colleagues, encourage them to join BTU and show that we are an indestructible force. Together, our voice is powerful and our unity is our greatest strength!

Thank you.

In solidarity,

Anna Fusco, President

Broward Teachers Union

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