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Bill Skarsgård ate gross things to make his Crow movie that nobody likes

Bill Skarsgård ate gross things to make his Crow movie that nobody likes

There’s an old Gene Siskel question that is usually asked to condemn a film that fails to live up to the potential of its stellar cast: Is it more interesting to watch this film than to watch these people simply sit down to dinner instead? We are now proud to present the Bill Skarsgård correlate to that question: Would it be more interesting to watch this film than to watch Bill Skarsgård stuff himself with plates of steak tartare and raw eggs every day, all by himself, in preparation for making a crow Film that apparently no one likes?

This question was asked to you through press material for, yes, The Crowwho is about to fly into a series of power lines in its first weekend in theaters. (It will probably open at #8 nationally; most serious Hollywood experts agree that when your film opens behind in the second week of the 15th anniversary screening of an old children’s film, something may have gone wrong with the production.) But the press tour must go on, and now (according to diversity) an anecdote from director Rupert Sanders that really intrigued us: the revelation that Skarsgård apparently only ate raw beef and eggs throughout the entire shooting of the film, apparently a leftover from the diet he followed for previous action films. Boy kills world. (Or a strange urge to eat an entire farm without fire; take your pick.)

It’s not that high-protein diets aren’t an important part of Hollywood action stars’ endless and annoying diets—never forget that The Rock reportedly eats literally half a ton of cod a year—but there’s just something about the idea of ​​Skarsgård wolfing down red, moist beef and bright yellow raw eggs at every meal (so his body is in perfect condition for a week). crow movie that nobody likes), we find that darkly amusing. (We know in our hearts that he probably wasn’t wearing the Crow makeup and costume when he sucked in his primary color sludge, but the mental image is unavoidable.) Skarsgård himself says he like eating this stuff, and since it’s probably rude to accuse a Swedish actor of having Stockholm Syndrome, we have no choice but to believe him; he said his only luxury after he finished filming was a single glass of beer. We don’t invite the reader to imagine what Bill Skarsgård’s Private Commode Times looks like as a mental exercise – for reasons of decency – but if your brain is already at that stage, it’s none of our business.


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