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Big T skipping a sibling’s wedding to watch college football is childish behavior

Big T skipping a sibling’s wedding to watch college football is childish behavior

I’m sure many of you have seen this clip by now and had a chance to draw your own conclusions. To hear the man out, Big T has shared his thoughts in this blog:

I think it’s important to highlight the differences between me and Conner

  1. He misspells his name
  2. He is 20 years old. I am 39
  3. He’s from the South. I’m proud to be born and raised in Jersey.
  4. I played and coached college football (graduate assistant). I have no idea if Big T ever wore a helmet.
  5. He’s been to two weddings in his life and I’ve been to over 70, including my own.

All I’m saying is that I bring more perspective to this discussion. And let’s not forget that I’m Barstool’s leading authority on weddings, having won the Weddings Snake Draft.

Ok, the table is set.

Credit to Mad Dog and Mackenzie for immediately coming to Conner’s aid when he said he was skipping his own brother’s wedding to attend a good college football program, and my buddy Kelly for supporting them.

Considering the divorce rate in this country today, a wedding is a once in a lifetime event. Not to mention the months that go by leading up to that day that require extensive planning. I agree that the cost of weddings, especially in the Northeast, is outrageous, but that’s the world we live in, so we have to be conscious of that as well. However, it’s a big, important day, perhaps the most important day of your sibling’s life, and Conner says he’d rather sit on his couch and watch football instead. I understand his job requires him to watch CFB, but family comes first.

In the South, CFB is king and I appreciate that. What can I say, they don’t have much else to offer. I agree that you shouldn’t plan your wedding for the fall if possible. But what Conner fails to realize is that sometimes the couple’s hands are tied for a variety of reasons, be it work, cost, or availability in general. You do your best to accommodate your guest list, but who in their right mind thinks they can accommodate over 100 people?

The date in question definitely has a monster slate of games, but I can promise you one thing: it won’t be the last time a Saturday has a monster slate of games. In fact, there are several Saturdays with monster slates every season. Year after year, there are monsters.

And now comes the part that will hurt: If you live your life in a way that makes sitting on the couch more important than the big events in life, you are a loser. I’m sorry, but it’s true. I love football more than a lot of people I know. I’m a diehard Army fan. But I also understand that you can’t skip your sibling’s wedding. Imagine that conversation at the wedding.


“Oh, where’s Conner?”

“He’s at home with grease on his T-shirt that’s sunk into his sofa.”


By all means, spend every Saturday and Sunday watching football if you feel like it. Football is the best and Connor is not wrong when he says we only have 12 Saturdays a year to do just that. However, if you think you’re going to miss your sibling’s wedding… grow up, Peter Pan, Count Chocula. Like Kelly said, that’s not normal behavior.

PS: I really like Conner and agree with almost every other opinion he has about football.

PPS Yes, I missed a wedding last year because of football, but it was a once in a lifetime game to experience in person and my wife said I could go.


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