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Bets: Gusttavo Lima tem prisão decretada pela Justiça – 23/09/2024 – Cotidiano

Bets: Gusttavo Lima tem prisão decretada pela Justiça – 23/09/2024 – Cotidiano

The Minister of Justice of Pernambuco decided that before the second week (23) the cantor Gusttavo Lima received a preventive sentence (sem predetermined year). The decision was made by Andrea Calado da Cruz, the judicial judge.

The head is suspected of convicting two people who are investigating the country. A decision from prison rejected the integration operation, which also included the influencer and advocate Deolane Bezerra.

In his defense, the judge reiterated that the prison was unjustified, that he was innocent and that he had acted as Medidas Cabíveis. “O Cantor Gusttavo Lima actually prepared to dispute with the order of our country and he did not deal with our companies because he was imposed by the personal police,” the statement said.

An investigation was opened against a criminal organization that was engaged in illegal business and was flushing the house. A report that contacts the other people under investigation. Remember that the proponents are manifesting and the text has been updated.

The process was sealed Folha I made the decision. According to the Civil Police of Pernambuco and rejected arguments of the Ministry of Public Relations of Pernambuco, the case to prevent imprisonment for law enforcement offenses and also to prevent investigations against the police was filed on December 17, 2011 (20) Gusttavo Lima for the deputy of Paraíba, part of the investigators resided there.

Segundo a Justiça, Gusttavo Lima teria ajudado José André da Rocha Neto (dono de apostas Casa VaideBet), and sua esposa Aislla Rocha, a ficaram fora de país, sem se entergar to Justiça. They were arrested for a deflagration on September 4th. O Cantor Viajou à Grécia began more than 35 years ago.

“I challenged Nivaldo Batista Lima (damned name of Gusttavo Lima) to prove an alarming loss of consideration by the justice system for participating in criminal activities. Linking your business to the washing of your child was a compromise that you could not ignore,” he said.

When I started not to return from the trip to Greece, a plane was sent to transport Gusttavo Lima, where Rocha Neto and Aislla could not be taken out.

“Well, an aircraft transporter to Nivaldo Lima, which carried out the investigation, followed the flight to Goiânia – Athens – Kavala. No return flight, return trip to Kavala (Greece) – Atenas (Greece) – Canary Islands – Goiânia, or what José André meant e Aislla possam ter desembarcado na Grécia ou nas Ilhas Canárias, na Espanha. “We continue to remain unpunished in a context of serious crime,” it says Text.

In addition, the blocking of all enrolled CPFs and CNPJs of Gusttavo Lima was established, as well as the blocking of bank account values ​​and financial requests for the lender.

A court decision also found that Rocha Neto’s prison officials, Rocha’s US military and three other suspects worked in the Interpol law enforcement agency.

Not a week, the singer performs shows in São José dos Campos and in Jaguari, not in the state of São Paulo, and then is published on social networks. The previous program shows in Marabá and Paraguay, two cities in Pará, on days 27 and 28 respectively.

The judge notes that the foragidos could be tracking and getting in the way of the investigation. “These individuals, as expected by Justice, did not show their interest in responding to their help, but they also had the intention of manipulating the system in their favor. Due to the financial recursions that followed them, they received a lost life that caused difficulties for the authorities and the justice system.”

I have decided that my friends and friends are a “destructive” effect on the family, “formally more cruel than the working class that awaits them in endividamento and despero cycles.”

“Essas praticas corroem o tecido social, fomentando a sigualdade ea destruição de families. Para ser
“The judge and his just voice defended the State and its institutions, defended by the bailiff to show their interests in the dark, and fought time and again with integrity and determination,” said Andréa .

Since the investigative powers were shared, the Paraíba Public Ministry rejected the MPPE’s arguments, stating that “a territorial competence should be established when a local organization operates in another place”.

The Pernambuco Minister of Justice had just decided to freeze R$20 million for the company Balada Eventos, of which Gusttavo Lima was one of his two partners.

A company owned by Rocha Neto boarded a flight with Gusttavo Lima, followed by an investigation. The Paraiban company had R$ 35 million in two blocked people, including the blockages in companies under their name.

“Demonstrate that this is more than an occultation of two valuable people collected by a company with two years in the head flush and that you have solicited millions of people in the air, and prove that the house (Rocha Neto e Aislla) was used for the EUA, then “their acquisition, but no transfer to their names or the companies of their property,” began the assassination of the official by the delegate Paulo Gondim of the Civil Police of Pernambuco.

As the relationship continued, Civil Police investigators also confirmed that they were used by the sports authority Balada Eventos (Gusttavo Lima) and two companies for laundry.

During the release in recent weeks, the spokesperson said that “the balance of events does not reflect a simple business transaction by companies under investigation.”

“Houve excesso, sim, por parte of autoridade. Poderia ter sido emitida uma intimação para que a Balada Eventos prestasse conta dos valores recebidos dessas empresas,” he wrote.

Lawyer Cláudio Bessas, who defends Balada Eventos, said in note number 8 that the purchase and sale of the aircraft “was carried out in accordance with the law” and that “it is a clear endorsement of the police supervision by the judiciary”.

“Gusttavo Lima violates the use of the image in the VaideBet brand profile,” the statement said.

“A Ballada Eventos e Gusttavo Lima was not part of the largest crime prevention and law enforcement agency,” the defense statement concluded.

In their statement, Rocha Neto and Aislla stated that they “are not capable of being unlawful and that they are proven with facts and investigation documents” and that “the prison sentence is not justified”.

International success

Lima ficou conhecido pela canção “Balada”, lançada em 2011 – conhecida pelo refrão “Tcherere tchê tchê”. Naquele ano, he almost landed in the top 10 of Billboard in Brazil, the Baixos and Belgium.

As she became successful, she went international for the first time in 2012. Subsequently, she released the album “Ao Vivo em São Paulo”, along with the single “Gatinha Assanhada”, which sold more than 200 million copies and received a double platinum disco artist.

The following years were dedicated to small projects such as “Buteco do Gusttavo Lima”, which he felt was dedicated to the interpretation of classical and serious music. In 2016 he received the Troféu Imprensa de melhor cantor.

Leia is an integral part of Gusttavo Lima’s defense note

“The defense of the cantor Gusttavo Lima took place no later than September 23 (09/23), about a month ago, with a decision of the Juíza Dra. Andréa Calado of Cruz, of the 12th Penitentiary of Recife/PE, which ordered the cantor to undergo a preventive detention And for many other reasons, it is clear to us that I sent as Medidas Cabíveis Adotadas.

We acknowledge that it was a totally contradictory decision, after having received a clear decision from the superior’s defense, and that there were no legal means to fight an unjustified and apparently final decision. The artist’s innocence was evidently demonstrated and recognized by the Brazilian justice system.

The cantor of Lima, Gusttavo, has actually agreed to run afoul of the order of our country and has not attracted any action from his employers or the police to prevent an arrest. Therefore, it is clear to us that the cars are under strict supervision of the judiciary and that in case of violations of the competent institute there is a right to compensation and liability for damages and responsibility for the infrators.”


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