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Balancing Industry and Environment Carbon Capture in Louisiana / Public News Service

Balancing Industry and Environment Carbon Capture in Louisiana / Public News Service

Carbon capture and storage is often discussed as part of a broader portfolio of solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

While it is not a panacea, experts believe it will play a crucial role in reducing emissions from industries that currently have limited alternatives.

Simone Stewart, senior industry policy specialist in the National Wildlife Federation’s climate and energy program, emphasized the importance of the technology in states like Louisiana.

“Especially in Louisiana, because it has such a robust fossil infrastructure,” Stewart stressed. “That’s something people are concerned about; the continued existence of these emissions-intensive industries.”

Stewart argued that adopting carbon capture technology offers a way to continue economic activity while addressing growing concerns about climate change. Still, it’s a complex issue. There are concerns about the continued use of fossil fuels and the environmental justice issues that have historically affected many communities in the state.

The National Wildlife Federation sees carbon capture as only one piece of the puzzle. The organization stressed that while the technology has its place, it is not about maintaining the status quo.

“These necessary industries, which also make up a large part of the state economy, and do so in a way that is clean and does not contribute to the climate crisis, these are all tools we should explore,” Stewart said.

As the state seeks to balance its economic interests with its environmental responsibilities, technology could play a crucial role in shaping its future. However, the debate about its long-term impacts, both positive and negative, is still ongoing.

Louisiana’s path forward will likely require careful consideration of how best to integrate carbon capture with other sustainable practices to ensure economic and environmental benefits are maximized without compromising community well-being.

Disclosure: The National Wildlife Federation donates to our fund for coverage of climate change/air quality, endangered species and wildlife, energy policy, and water. If you would like to help us support news in the public interest, click here.

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