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AEW All Out 2024 – Results, grades and analysis: Bryan Danielson retains, Will Ospreay shines again

AEW All Out 2024 – Results, grades and analysis: Bryan Danielson retains, Will Ospreay shines again

Jack Perry emerged from his black Scapegoat bus and was met by the Young Bucks, who were carrying his TNT Championship and goat helmet. Perry was escorted to the ring by masked security guards in all-black uniforms.

Predictably, the crowd cheered for Danielson as the “Final Countdown” music hit.

Perry and Danielson were in no hurry to fight, instead enjoying the electric atmosphere provided by the Chicago crowd. Perry won the first collar-and-elbow with an armdrag and taunted Danielson with slaps after the next exchange.

After another arm pull and a taunt, Perry left the ring to recover. When he returned, he engaged in a showdown with Danielson, which Perry tried to win with a kick to the stomach. Danielson showed off his impressive mat technique and began to take Perry apart with submission holds, including the flying surfboard.

Perry was outmatched and managed to escape to the outside, but was left with little room to breathe as Danielson landed a dropkick through the ropes and a springboard flip on the challenger. Danielson continued to pursue Perry from the outside, but a leap from the ring curtain was answered with a superkick by the challenger. From there, Perry landed a draping DDT and sent Danielson into the barricade twice, the second time with a running dropkick.

Back in the ring, Perry continued his attack, mainly with punches and chops, but after a neckbreaker against the champion he almost managed to win.

Perry’s momentum was stopped when he climbed to the top rope. Danielson escaped and switched positions on Perry, hitting him with a series of elbow strikes before executing a massive belly-to-back superplex. Danielson hit Perry with his patented kicks, but before he could land the last one, Perry ducked and scored a jackknife pin. Danielson had the opportunity for a backslide, but instead opted for a submission attack, which Perry eventually forced the champion to break.

Danielson was caught in one of his own submissions, the Cattle Mutilation, after Perry hit him with a drop toe hold counter. Danielson fought to his feet, but Perry deftly landed two snap dragon suplexes. As he went for the ring apron for the third time, Danielson fought back and a slugfest ensued, which the champion won with a big maneuver to the floor.

The aggression increased when Danielson returned to the ring, finally completing his kick sequence and setting up his flying knee finisher. With Perry in his sights, Danielson tried it, but the challenger was able to counter with his snare trap submission. Danielson forced the break by reaching the bottom rope.

Perry went for his finisher, but Danielson rolled him up for a near fall. Perry retreated to the corner and Danielson attempted his finisher, the Psycho Knee. Perry drew referee Bryce Remsburg into danger and the Young Bucks rushed to Perry’s aid, landing a TK Driver on the champion. Finally, Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta arrived to chase the AEW Tag Team Champions away.

Perry woke up the referee, kneed Danielson and attempted to pin him, but the champion kicked out at 2. Angry, Perry added insult to injury by mocking the champion’s signature moves and celebrations. As Perry sprinted toward Danielson, he was met with a Psycho Knee. Both men crawled toward each other and met head to head, trading blows on the knees and eventually getting back to their feet.

After several slaps from Perry, Danielson attempted a German Suplex, but Perry landed on his feet. Danielson hit again with a Psycho Knee, but Perry kicked out again at two. Danielson kicked Perry in the head twice and set up a third Psycho Knee. Perry took the hit and Danielson pinned him to retain his title.

Bryan Danielson defeats Jack Perry in 27:57 to retain the AEW World Championship.


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