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Channing Tatum’s Instagram tribute to Zoë Kravitz and Blink Twice is so incredibly adorable

Channing Tatum’s Instagram tribute to Zoë Kravitz and Blink Twice is so incredibly adorable

Love is a wonderful thing, especially when you look at it from the outside. In this In this column, we take a closer look at the celebrity couples who give us hope for our own romantic future and try to learn as much as we can from their well-documented bonds.

Can I be so honest? I love stupid guys. Not dumb dumb guys – not unintelligent guys or guys who really have nothing to say or contribute to the conversation – but the overlooked high school weirdo in me secretly carries a torch for the guys who aren’t afraid to come across as big, hulking, funny, semi-ridiculous jocks, and there’s no better role model in Hollywood than Channing Tatum, who I’ve loved since the first time I saw him. 21 Sprungstrasse at an impressionable age.

I love Tatum’s fiancée Zoë Kravitz with a completely different part of my brain, but the passion is no less real. I want to talk to her. her about music and global affairs and what it was like adapting a Nick Hornby novel for television, and I want to… play paintball with him? (I’ve never played paintball in my life, but for some reason I think it would be fun with Channing Tatum.) I gained a new appreciation for the two as a couple, however, when I saw the sweet and distinctively vocal Instagram tribute to Kravitz that Tatum recently posted to mark the release of her new thriller. Flash twice.

Personally, I think there are enough pictures of perfect looking celebs on Instagram, which is probably why I love the photo of Kravitz snoozing on Tatum’s (massive) abs almost as much as his caption: “This little cutie. She’s so tired, bro. Every time I wondered if she was going to collapse… She just kept going and going and going. Always searching for the truth. She put every ounce of herself into this film. I’m so proud to fully commit to her, this film, and everyone in it. Forever. I know what it took to make it. No one will ever know. Thank you for finding me and seeing me. I have you forever. Me and you, back to back against anything. I will never blink. Here we go. #blinktwice”

I love Tatum’s unique way of expressing himself (remember his epic (leaked) celebration of how he and the 21 Sprungstrasse Gang “GOT CATE BLANCHETT WIT DIS BOX OFFICE BITCHES” on opening weekend, complete with perhaps the longest recorded “HAHAHAHAHAH” in the history of email?), so I find his confidential tone and appreciation of Kravitz’s work really charming. I mean, “She’s so tired, bro”? I firmly believe that all we want in this life is for our partners to recognize how hard we work, see us for the sleepy geese we are, and send us off for a nap – or, better yet, offer a nap pad so we can fall asleep right where we’re sitting. Can’t wait to read Tatum’s final IG wedding tribute to his bride-to-be!


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