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5 dubious signs you’re being bullied at work because you’re a woman, career coach reveals | GalTime writers

5 dubious signs you’re being bullied at work because you’re a woman, career coach reveals | GalTime writers

By Suzanne Kleinberg

Although the Civil Rights Act (and other state laws) protect women from bullying and gender discrimination in the workplace, it still happens.

Whether it’s being passed over for a promotion, being paid less than a male colleague in the same job – sad statistics prove it – or being humiliated in the office: it’s entirely possible for women to be humiliated or subjected to discrimination in the workplace.

While the scenarios above are some of the most common examples of gender discrimination, it is important to note that sometimes this type of injustice is more subtle.

Covert cases of gender discrimination are not only equally unacceptable, they are also a sign of even more inappropriate behavior in the future.

That’s why it’s extremely important that you protect yourself. Here are five subtle examples of gender discrimination in the workplace that you should know about.

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Here are 5 suspicious signs that you are being bullied at work because you are a woman:

1. Suddenly your interview becomes personal

An interviewer who feels comfortable asking questions like, “Do you have children or are you planning to have any? Do you have to be home at a certain time?” is highly questionable.

While you may ask these questions in a conversational or casual tone, the brutal truth is that they most likely mean they are not interested in hiring a mother.

Suspicious signs that you are being bullied at work because you are a woman Sora Shimazaki / Pexels

It doesn’t even matter if you’re not the primary caregiver, the interviewer automatically sees you as the mom who runs home to take her kids to karate or stays home when they get sick.

However, don’t assume that only a man would ask these questions. Female interviewers ask them too.

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2. Your leadership qualities are constantly questioned

Have you ever given a performance review, reprimanded a subordinate, or made suggestions to a team member, only to later hear complaints that you bullied or were too aggressive toward an employee?

The sad thing is that there are employees who get upset when they are criticized by a woman, according to a 2017 article in The Atlantic entitled “Why Women Are Criticized in the Workplace,” and yet react much less defensively when a man does the same thing.

3. Your responsibility is taken away from you

Because of your gender, are you asked to take minutes of meetings or take care of the social processes in the team, even though you have the same job title as the men in the team?

Have your sales roles become less sales-oriented, while the same cannot be said for the men in the sales team?

The outdated idea that women are better suited to administrative tasks than to negotiating tasks is discriminatory.

4. You get last-minute jobs or impossible deadlines

Giving a woman last-minute jobs or jobs with impossible deadlines to prove that she cannot do the tasks due to childcare issues is a form of discrimination.

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5. People start interacting with you differently

If male colleagues or superiors regularly interrupt you but do not do so with their male colleagues, gender issues may be at play.

However, it is important to remember that both genders have different conversation styles. Women tend to be more cooperative, share experiences and ask questions, while men tend to give information rather than ask questions.

While laws and company policies don’t stop people from acting biasedly, that doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can do about it.

Always speak up if you feel you are not being treated with the respect you deserve. Watch for signs of subtle discrimination in the workplace so you can respond promptly.

RELATED: What it means to experience “benevolent sexism” – and how to defend yourself against it

Suzanne Kleinberg is a career coach and provides consulting services to businesses, nonprofits and private clients. She is the author of Employee rights & employer misconduct.


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