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Council clears way for construction of house near Overton Village

Council clears way for construction of house near Overton Village

One day, there will be another residential building near Overton Village in Mountain Brook. Some action by the Mountain Brook City Council on Monday paved the way for that to happen.

After a public hearing, the Council amended City Code Section 129-557 to exclude the property at 3130 Overton Road from the Village Overlay District. After a subsequent public hearing, the Council rezoned the property from the Professional District to Residence-C.

Gaston said the home built on the property would have to comply with the city’s distancing requirements.

“We amended the master plan to remove the one lot that was zoned commercial and then rezoned it from commercial to residential Lot C so they could build a single-family home there,” said City Manager Sam Gaston. “They amended the overlay district to exclude a lot on the far west end. Then they rezoned the lot from commercial to residential Lot C, which hopefully will allow them to build a single-family home there.”

“The good news is that a lot of the corner lots are a little bigger than the typical lots down Glass Drive,” Gaston continued. “That should give them a little more wiggle room. Sometimes the zoning board has allowed small deviations from corner lots so they can get a house there that’s in line with the other houses. Plus, hopefully it’ll fit in better with the neighborhood.”

Christopher Mouron applied for the land to be changed and rezoned so that a house could be built there.

In other action, the council passed a resolution to sign a contract with The Pave Team for a walkway in Canterbury Park. The next Mountain Brook City Council meeting is Sept. 9 at 7 p.m.


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