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Why a Christmas tree in the bedroom ensures better sleep

Why a Christmas tree in the bedroom ensures better sleep

A Christmas tree in a bedroom, with white decorations. (Getty Images)

Could a Christmas tree in your bedroom really help you sleep better? (Getty Images)

From over-burning the Christmas candle to the stress of finding – and funding – all of the presents, Christmas brings with it many factors that can lead to sleep problems this time of year.

But luckily, the experts at Hayes Garden World have discovered a surprising sleep trick that can help you get more sleep: put your Christmas tree in the bedroom.

Yes, that’s right. A tree next to your bed can not only bring magic to another room in your home, but it can also have surprising effects on your sleep.

So decorating the hallways (our bedroom) can improve our sleep.

Read more: When should you put up your Christmas tree and decorations?

A calming reminder of nature

Not only is green a calming color, a Christmas tree in your bedroom is also a soothing reminder of nature.

“Our brain collects information from our environment and translates it into chemical signals, releasing various hormones in response,” explains Carl Wash, sleep expert at Bed Guru.

“In this case, it’s melatonin and cortisol because those are the hormones that control your sleep cycle. So you should think about what colors you use in the bedroom to make sure your brain is telling your body to release the right hormones that will put your body into a sleepy state.”

According to Wash, green, especially the softer shades, is a non-stimulating color that is good for relaxation and promotes good sleep.

We know that spending time in nature can be good for our mental and physical health – even a short walk in the countryside can have noticeable benefits – and Christmas is an opportunity to bring those benefits straight into our bedrooms.

Friends dancing on the bed with Christmas tree lights and a tree in the background. (Getty Images)Friends dancing on the bed with Christmas tree lights and a tree in the background. (Getty Images)

Your bedroom will look great while helping you feel better with more sleep. (Getty Images)

Even more comfort and nostalgia

For most of us, the run-up to Christmas, decorating the Christmas tree and Christmas Day itself are central memories from our childhood.

“Although Christmas can be quite a stressful time of year, participating in Christmas activities takes people back to their childhood when they had no obligations, and in that moment they forget all the other stressful things,” explains Wash.

And while feeling less stressed always has a positive effect on your sleep, having more options for decorating and a tree in your room will add even more coziness and nostalgia – visible from your bed.

“All the Christmas festivities give you a reason to put your responsibilities behind you, be a kid again and just relax and have fun. Clearing your head like this will help you sleep better at night,” he adds.

Read more: How to hang Christmas tree lights like a pro – without just wrapping them

Bedroom with a Christmas tree in it. (Getty Images)Bedroom with a Christmas tree in it. (Getty Images)

Are you tempted to put a tree in your bedroom this Christmas? (Getty Images)

Natural chemicals in a real tree can promote sleep

The natural chemicals responsible for the scent of a real tree not only give your room a wonderful fragrance, but also have other calming benefits.

“Numerous health benefits have been found to be associated with the terpenes and esters commonly released by Christmas trees,” Kim Lahiri, aromacologist at Trelonk Molecular Wellbeing, told Metro.

“These chemicals, like alpha-pinene, are widely used throughout the world of essential oils and have been traditionally used for centuries to treat various ailments.

“Alpha- and beta-pinene are known for their antimicrobial (kills bacteria) and antioxidant (can fight harmful compounds) properties. Alpha-pinene has also been shown to help improve sleep and reduce anxiety. Beta-pinene has properties that relieve everyday aches and pains.”

Read more: How to fight a holiday hangover

Decorated home for Christmas holidays. Christmas tree decoration process in bedroom.Decorated home for Christmas holidays. Christmas tree decoration process in bedroom.

The chemicals in Christmas trees can help you get a good night’s sleep. (Getty Images)

Bright colors provide happiness hormones

Like bedroom colors, our brains respond to our visual environment, so if you’ve decorated your bedroom for Christmas, the bright colors can help promote the release of hormones that make us happy.

When lighting your bedroom tree, it is best to use warm light, because blue light, such as that found in LED lights, blocks the release of sleep hormones and makes it difficult to fall asleep.

Yellow, orange or red tones of light are best for restful sleep, but choosing lighting that you like can also help you fall asleep. Previous research has found that participants fell asleep faster in a room with lighting in their preferred color.

Enjoy the benefits without allergies by choosing Fake

Just as allergies can interfere with sleep in the summer, you may experience similar reactions around the holidays if you are allergic to Christmas trees.

If you decide to get such a tree, you should avoid the real one and opt for an artificial one instead.

“Artificial trees can look just as good as real ones and nobody wants to have sleepless nights during the Christmas season,” he adds.

Watch: The couple’s first Christmas tree was planted 44 years ago and is now 15 meters high


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