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Clerk Division Conference provides guidance and praises the work of others

Clerk Division Conference provides guidance and praises the work of others

On Saturday, July 13, 2024, the Clerk Division held a well-attended conference for Clerk Division delegates to discuss issues of importance to the craft. After honoring national officers and local members who passed away in the past year, the conference began its work. All three headquarters Clerk Division officers provided reports on their duties and activities since the last craft conference. In addition to the officers’ reports, a current list of national disputes related to the craft was distributed to delegates. We distributed information to all attendees on the current disputes regarding Regional Instruction (RI)-399, which establishes craft jurisdiction between the clerk and mail clerk professions. And to further assist locals and states, we distributed a flow chart that provides the proper procedures for Local Dispute Resolution Committees (LDRCs) to follow when meeting with mail clerk and Postal Service representatives regarding RI-399 issues.

During the conference, we thanked local and state representatives across the country for their dedication and hard work in representing APWU members. We also praised the work of the profession’s National Business Agents (NBAs), who have successfully mediated cases and reviewed other cases pending mediation, resolving many of these complaints before they went to mediation. Delegates showed their appreciation for the NBAs with a standing ovation.

Two constitutional amendments at the National Assembly strengthen the clerk’s department

During the APWU’s 27th Biennial National Convention, delegates approved changes to the union’s constitution and bylaws that directly affect Clerk Division representation. On Wednesday, July 17, delegates discussed proposed constitutional changes that include the Clerk Division Director’s succession in the event of illness, death or resignation. The Assistant Director (A) will now assume the position of Clerk Division Director when the latter resigns. The change, passed by a significant majority, now puts the Clerk Division on an equal footing with all other APWU divisions when a director resigns.

The second constitutional amendment passed reinstates the position of Assistant Director (C) into the profession. Several years ago, the position of Third Assistant Director had been eliminated. However, thanks to the solidarity of the NBAs gathered at the convention, many of whom spoke in favor of reinstating the position and pushed for its passage, the delegates ratified the amendment overwhelmingly. The Clerk Division Director now has 60 days to appoint a new Assistant Director (C) to take office.

When asked to comment on the changes, Director Brooks stated, “The succession change simply puts our craft on a par with all other crafts in the APWU. As for the reinstatement of the position of third assistant director, this will allow the Clerk Division to better serve the APWU members in our craft and support the National Business Agents when they need us.” ■


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