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Tree felled after branch falls onto market square « Euro Weekly News

Tree felled after branch falls onto market square « Euro Weekly News

The felled tree in Plaza Llorenç Villalonga. Photo credit, Ajuntamiento de Palma.

A tree was felled in a square in Palma after a branch fell to the ground, narrowly sparing passers-by.

The Infrastructure Department of Palma City Hall has decided to cut down a tree in Plaza Llorenç Villalonga after a branch broke off and fell onto the road below last Thursday morning. The branch somehow managed to fall without causing any damage to the surrounding area and, despite Palma being at the height of the tourist season and teeming with visitors and locals alike, no passers-by were injured or harmed. For safety reasons and to avoid the risk of further incidents, the area around the tree was immediately cordoned off and the tree was cut down the same day.

The tree belonged to the genus Phitolacca and was one of 21 specimens that the municipal council had already identified in January in a report by the Infrastructure Department as a possible danger to the municipality. Five trees in particular were identified as a possible danger to pedestrians, vehicles and surrounding buildings and their felling was proposed. However, the work was delayed due to an objection from an opposing organization.

In March, the court authorized the felling of the five trees that were in poor condition. The remaining 16 trees, classified as a moderate threat to the population, will be closely monitored by the Ministry of Infrastructure.

The tree felled last Thursday was one of 16 trees that are not considered to be at high risk.

Tags: Palma de Mallorca, tree danger

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