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Reason for cancelling Hulk Hogan’s Nelfix film explained

Reason for cancelling Hulk Hogan’s Nelfix film explained

Hulk Hogan was supposed to be one of the few wrestlers to have a movie made about him. However, it looks like his big ambition will not come true. Yes, you heard right, because Todd Phillips, who wanted to make a big biographical film about Hogan, has canceled his plans. The film was supposed to be a huge success and these expectations for the film came from the fact that so many well-known celebrities were involved. So what went wrong?

The exact reason for the cancellation is unknown, although several factors play a role. Chris Hemsworth, who was supposed to play the lead role in the film, never signed a contract. Furthermore, it seems that despite the film’s conception, a script was never written for the film. As a result, intended director Todd Phillips was unaware that the whole thing was happening. Netflix also declined to produce the film after encountering various obstacles during production.


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According to Hogan, the other reason the film is being cancelled is a business issue. Recently, The Hulkster hinted that business issues were cited as the reason for Netflix’s exit. As a result, Phillips, who directed Joker and the upcoming sequel to the film, decided to abandon the project. The director simply stated: “That won’t work for me.”

Even though the film has been canceled for now, Hogan still seems to believe that the possibility of a remake remains.

Hulk Hogan remains optimistic about the filming of the movie

As you know, Hogan was recently a guest on the podcast “Insight with Chris Van” where he explained that he still believes production can resume if everyone involved in the film is released at some point in the future. He explained: “My life, my rights and stuff are somewhere else now and there are a lot of things that are going to happen. Hopefully (director) Todd Phillips and Chris Hemsworth still want to be in it, there’s still a huge opportunity.”

This means that fans of the WWE legend don’t have to be disappointed as there is still potential for the film to be produced. However, for now, it is quite true that the project was cancelled due to the reasons mentioned above. What do you think about the cancellation of the film? Do you think the film would have been successful if it had been made? Tell us in the comments.


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