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Stalker Brent arrested after over 100 videos of women were discovered on his phone

Stalker Brent arrested after over 100 videos of women were discovered on his phone

A man was jailed for stalking two women in Barnet.

Shekhem Manning-Egeonwon, aged 20, of Sturgess Avenue, Brent, appeared at Harrow Crown Court on Friday 9 August where he was sentenced to 32 months imprisonment for each victim, to be served concurrently.

In addition, a temporary restraining order was issued against him.

He had previously been convicted at the same court on 12 January where he had previously pleaded not guilty.

He changed his plea mid-trial after the court was shown video surveillance footage from his mobile phone showing him stalking women.

In September 2023, police received a report that a man had followed a woman as she took her child to school in Barnet. The victim, in her 30s, had been stalked by Manning-Egeonwon for five months.

Concerned for her safety, officers from the Metropolitan Police’s North West Command arranged to accompany her on her way to school to arrest a stalking suspect, but he failed to show up.

The victim later spotted the suspect, Manning-Egeonwon, and notified police, who arrested him. During his arrest, another woman reported that he had also followed her.

Further investigation of Manning-Egeonwon’s phone revealed over 100 videos showing him stalking several women, including filming them through windows.

Investigating Detective Constable Jas Brar said: “The scale of the crime in this case was extreme. Manning-Egeonwon stalked women day and night and in some cases spoke directly to them or knocked on their doors.

“His actions were threatening and highly intrusive, causing extreme stress to the women he targeted. It is completely unacceptable that anyone should be afraid to leave their home for fear of this type of harassment, or have their sense of personal safety compromised in this way.

“I would like to thank the victims for their support of the investigation and sincerely hope that they can now move forward with a degree of confidence, knowing that Manning-Egeonwon is no longer free to roam the streets.”

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