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What THE FORGE means to its stars

What THE FORGE means to its stars

Published: August 15, 2024

What THE FORGE means to its stars
Photo from the Instagram of the movie THE FORGE

This religious film does not dilute the message of the Gospel

By Movieguide® Contributor

“THE FORGE” stars Priscilla Shirer and Aspen Kennedy talk about what the film means to them.

“Who would have thought that we would live in a time and generation where there would be religious films that do not water down the message but also offer excellent storytelling and cinematography?” Shirer said in an interview with Movieguide®. “The fact that I am able to be a part of this is a gift to me.”

Kennedy agreed, saying, “I’ve come to the conclusion over the years that I don’t want to be part of projects that just entertain people, but that have an impact on them, because some of the films that have had the most impact have been some of my favorite films.”

“The opportunity to engage with someone and influence them – that is what I want to reflect in my life and I want to honor God in the process,” he continued.

The pair also talked about what they hope viewers will take away from THE FORGE.

“I hope it inspires them as parents, but also as grandparents,” Shirer said, “to know that they’re not out of the game.”

Kennedy also expressed his hopes for the film’s impact: “Devotion is a wonderful thing when you can also trust those who follow the Lord to guide you… It just encourages people to trust the Lord and their mentors that God has placed in their lives.”

You can see the rest of the Movieguide® interview with the stars of THE FORGE here:

A description from THE FORGE states: “Isaiah Wright has yet to grow up. A year out of high school and with no plans for his future, Isaiah is challenged by his single mother and a successful businessman to chart a better course for his life. Through the biblical teaching of his new mentor, the prayers of his mother, and a prayer warrior named Miss Clara, Isaiah begins to discover that God’s plan for his life is so much more than he could have hoped or imagined.”

THE FORGE is the latest film from the Kendrick Brothers, who previously worked on WAR ROOM and OVERCOMER, among others.

“We hope the church wants to grow in discipleship,” Alex told Crosswalk Headlines. “We don’t need more lukewarm Christians in the churches. We need to see people who are devoted to Jesus, who really want to glorify and honor the Lord and walk more closely with Him. This film focuses on what that might look like.”

Stephen added that this generation “desperately” needs discipleship.

“They’re emotionally disconnected,” he said. “When people see THE FORGE, they’re going to laugh; they’re going to be inspired. It’s a family-friendly movie. But hopefully they’re going to be encouraged to surrender themselves to the Lord. And they’re also going to be challenged to look to the next generation and say, This isn’t rocket science. I can pass on what God has poured into my life. And I can start to mentor, build a relationship and share God’s truth and example with that next generation.”

Movieguide® previously reported on the news of THE FORGE:

THE FORGE explores how strong leaders can have incredible influence. While this is true in all areas of life, it is especially true in faith, where having someone to guide you through the world can make the difference between building a relationship with Christ or not.

“(THE FORGE) is family-friendly, but intense and exciting. It’s an emotional rollercoaster at times. The film has some fun humor elements, but most importantly, it’s this call to discipleship – that we need to strive to lead people to a permanent, devoted life with Jesus, because that’s the greatest thing in the world.” said ^ “Stephen Kendrick”.

“We believe the Lord will awaken this focus in the body of Christ, and that is why we are very grateful to have worked on a film like this,” Alex Kendrick added“It was a challenge for us, but edifying for the Body of Christ, because we need to be salt and light more than ever.”

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