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How Allison’s rumor powers work in the Umbrella Academy

How Allison’s rumor powers work in the Umbrella Academy

Warning: This article contains SPOILERS for season 4 of The Umbrella Academy.


  • Allison’s ”
    ” Power in
    The Umbrella Academy
    allows her to control other people’s thoughts by simply saying:
    I heard a rumor
  • In Season 3, Allison gets a major upgrade and has to learn the expression “
    I heard a rumor
    ” to give orders to someone else.
  • In season 4, Allison’s powers reach a new level, allowing her to control people’s minds without saying a single word.

Allison has one of the most fascinating and dangerous powers in The Umbrella AcademyAnd it is upgraded more than once during the four seasons of the series. Extraordinary abilities are a given for the Hargreeves siblings and all receive new and improved powers in The Umbrella Academy Season 4. For some siblings, this is a bigger deal than others; while Luther and Diego’s original powers return with a vengeance, they are nowhere near as spectacular as Lila’s laser eyes or Klaus’ ability to channel spirits into his own body.

Allison also receives notable enhancements to her original power, which is a power in itself. Her ability probably causes the biggest controversy in the whole The Umbrella Academy, but it also proves useful in getting the Hargreeves out of a tight spot. While the rest of Reginald’s adopted children can use their powers effectively in a physical fight, Allison can prevent the confrontation altogether. She can bend other people to her will by simply saying:I heard a rumor” – and later installments of the Netflix series don’t even require that much.


Luther’s powers explained in the Umbrella Academy

Luther’s powers can be confusing in the Umbrella Academy because they are used inconsistently and are related to his ape body.

Allison’s rumor power can control other people

She takes control of her thoughts by saying, “I heard a rumor”

Allison in the 1960s in “The Umbrella Academy”

Allison’s power in The Umbrella Academy enables her to control other peoplewhich she uses questionably from the beginning. When Allison says the words “I heard a rumor,” she takes control of her victim’s mind. From there, she can finish the sentence and make others do exactly what she says. For example, when Allison says, “I heard a rumor that you shot your friend” During a flashback to an Umbrella Academy mission, the man she is speaking to immediately sets his sights on his partner.

Although her ability does not improve her combat skills, Allison can turn her enemies against each other or even make them turn and leave.

The Umbrella Academy Season 1 hints that Allison may have used her ability on Claire’s father, causing him to question the validity of their entire relationship. And it seems like Allison may be spreading rumors about someone obeying her orders long-term, although that’s the closest we’ve seen of her. Allison’s ability is useful for stealth missionsbut it also helps her when confrontations become physical. Although her ability doesn’t improve her combat skills, Allison can turn her enemies against each other or even make them turn and leave.

Needless to say, Allison’s rumor mill is dangerous since The Umbrella Academy begins. In the third season of the series, however, it becomes even easier for her to control other people’s thoughts. And The Umbrella Academy Season 4 gives her more abilities When she takes the marigold, Ben slips into the Hargreeves’ drinks. Allison becomes increasingly powerful as the series progresses, but this can make it difficult for viewers to keep up with her powers and how she works as the series progresses.

Allison received a major upgrade in season 3 of The Umbrella Academy

She no longer has to use the phrase “I heard a rumor”

Allison Hargreeves resets the timeline at Hotel Oblivion in season 4 of The Umbrella Academy

Allison’s “rumor” power is in the early seasons of The Umbrella Academy, but it has an obvious weakness. If Allison cannot speak or is interrupted while she is speaking, she cannot achieve the desired result. If an enemy knows her power, he can exploit this deficiency to gain the upper hand. But in The Umbrella Academy Season 3, Allison increases her “rumor” power. This means that it must use the words “I heard a rumor” to control another person’s mind; all she has to do is tell them what to do.

This makes her an even more powerful weapon as she can take over people’s minds without them noticing.

It is not entirely clear how Allison achieves this power shift, but it is first seen when Viktor tries to remove Harlan’s power. Allison is hit by the explosion and from that moment on she no longer needs the phrase to use her ability. This makes her an even more powerful weapon as she can take over people’s minds without them noticing. As if that didn’t make Allison powerful enough, The Umbrella Academy Season 4 improves her skills once again.

Allison’s powers change again in season 4 of the Umbrella Academy

She can do much more with her mind

Although Allison no longer needs the words “I heard a rumor“to use their power to The Umbrella Academy Season 3, In the last season it is no longer necessary for her to speak. When Allison’s powers return after taking the marigold, she can make people obey her orders without saying a single word. She proves this during the Hargreeves’ confrontation in New Grumpson, Maine. Allison makes a soldier turn against his comrades using only her mind. Later, she comments on her “new strength,” and it’s easy to see why she’s so impressed.

Allison’s upgrades in Season 4 don’t end hereneither. When she and Claire set out to rescue Klaus at the end of The Umbrella Academy Season 4, Allison uses her mind for more than just commands. She proves that she can break down a door with her ability, and she even lifts Quinn into the air and injures him with her mind. At first glance, it seems as though the marigold gives Allison some sort of telekinesis. A look at her ability in The Umbrella Academy Comics may explain her shift in power in Season 4 better.


The series finale of “The Umbrella Academy” is not the ending the Netflix series deserved

The popular Netflix series comes to an end with the fourth season of “The Umbrella Academy,” but the disappointing ending does not do justice to the story or the characters.

How Allison’s powers compare to the Umbrella Academy comics

Allison Hargreeves is even more powerful in the comics

A brutal Allison scene was cut from the Umbrella Academy show – Comic

The Umbrella Academy changes a number of details from the comics it is based on, and Allison’s powers differ depending on which version of the story you are looking at. Although Allison “rumor” People in both iterations of The Umbrella Academy, In the comics, her ability goes much further. In the source material, Allison eventually succeeds in bending reality to her will and can use her ability to change almost anything she wants. The Netflix show obviously downplays her power quite a bitalthough the changes in seasons 3 and 4 may serve to bridge the gap.

Allison’s improvement in The Umbrella AcademyThe final season may not be about telekinesis after all. It is possible that the marigold gives her something closer to her comedic abilitieswhere Allison uses her mind to reshape her environment while saving Klaus. It achieves the same result, but the latter option is an homage to the comics by Gerard Way and Gabriel Bá. In a season that is otherwise disappointing, it’s nice to see The Umbrella Academy recognize his roots. It’s also great to see the Hargreeves in action one last time, especially with enhanced abilities.


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