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America: The record of past arsons requires a response without precedent

America: The record of past arsons requires a response without precedent

In response to the arsons located in Suramérica, which have set fire to several million hectares of land in the Amazon region and other parts of the continent, Amnistía Internacional recently published a draft directive card addressed to the presidencies of Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia , Ecuador, Paraguay and Peru, so that the governments intensify their actions to extinguish forest fires, reiterate their efforts to abandon combustible fuels and transform the current agribusiness model, protect the territories of indigenous peoples and offer guarantees to the people who defend the middle environment.

In August and September 2024, fireworks records were recorded in Suramérica, covering several million hectares located not only in the tropical forests of the Amazon coast, but also in various ecosystems that extend through the country’s basin.

“The world is on the lookout for aid to prevent extinction in the Amazon and other invaluable ecosystems of the continent.” Presidents of South America must take even more urgent action to prevent a climate catastrophe that could have irreversible consequences for all of humanity. “The moment is now,” said Ana Piquer, director for the Americas at Amnistía Internacional.

The people of the world are over the Amazon coast and other invaluable ecosystems of the continent, looking for relief measures to prevent extinction. Suramerican presidents must take even more urgent action to prevent a climate catastrophe that could have irreversible consequences for all of humanity. The actuarial moment is soon.

Ana Piquer, Director of Américas de Amnistía Internacional.

The publication of the Carta Abierta coincided with the Conference on the Future of the United States, celebrated in New York on September 23, when it supported the Secretary General of Amnistía Internacional, Agnès Callamard.

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