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Buscan a Alex, a child caught by the river in the Triqui zone

Buscan a Alex, a child caught by the river in the Triqui zone

The leader of the Unidad de Bienestar Social de la Región Triqui (Ubisort), Fabián Pereda Pereda, Refirió que a child of 5 years, lamado Alexwhich originally came from Guadalupe Tilapa, Santiago Juxtlahuaca, Desperate on September 13th in this community, and you have not managed to locate yourself, you believe you must be kidnapped from the river bank.

Pereda, Spain I agree that the man who was desperate on September 13th reported when he left the confidants Alex Refirieron que lo dejaron de very temen que hya sido arrastrado por the corriente del río que pasa by this community, ya que al menor de edad the gustaba ir al río a jugar.

Explain how the last days of the river that left the municipality of Llevara have experienced a lot of correctness and that they have dealt with the arrest; Without embargo we explain that you do not affect the collaboration with the residents San Juan Copala, To allow access to the Lugareños Guadalupe Tilapa You can move on with time to a certain extent, because the Atraviesa River is a municipality and is lost Copala.

I ask you, from a humanitarian point of view, to allow entry and you just have to win back the time you need.

I think that “you think that the river is not yet there for you so well, and that you have to live; the river is very reverent, he thinks he can cross the river, and he is overwhelmed by the communities with Colinda Guadalupe Tilapa; It is the Apoyo de los paisanos de Copala In order to move along the coast, we must make our way to the river bank Guadalupe Tilapa, but no signs of it; But I don’t care that you create the child.”

This means that it is very difficult for a child to cross the territory of the zone Triquiya que ellos aprenden a caminar from this zone and conocen to terrenos, because the hipótesis radica and que es arrastrado by the corriente del río.

Manifested that a similar case occurred a few years ago, a young woman from that municipality must also be in charge of the correspondence when contacting the bank and she must also read the law of the gente of the affected municipalities and make sure that she is at the place of the event la niña.

Remember that in this case the communities must turn to a man, and in this case they need a lecture.

Please contact the Policía Municipal de Juxtlahuaca

The Sinner of Santiago Juxtlahuaca, Coral Martinez, Please be informed that you have contacted the office last year and provided information to the aid authorities in this area –Triqui– So you can find it in the city center and by the sea.

Además, hizo el admonish a la población a no bjar al río in this época, ya que wen much crecido and sus vidas could be in riesgo.


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