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Fact check on Kamala Harris after the ABC debate with Trump

Fact check on Kamala Harris after the ABC debate with Trump

There were several instances in last week’s Denver Post of “Trump lied in the debate, but Harris didn’t.” That is simply not the case.

That she grew up as a “middle-class child.” Not true. Harris’ father was a professor at Stanford University, while her mother, who raised Kamala after her parents’ divorce, was a biomedical scientist at UC Berkeley.

That the 2017 tax cuts passed by the Trump administration disproportionately benefited American billionaires and corporations is not true. An analysis of IRS data has shown that “on average, all income brackets benefited significantly.”

Trump will impose a “sales tax.” That’s not true. Trump has not promised this and supports tariffs.

The January 6 insurrection at the Capitol was the “worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War.” Not true. On January 6, Americans faced no risks like those in World War I, the Japanese attacks on Pearl Harbor, World War II, etc.

If elected, Trump will implement Project 2025. Trump has repeatedly stated that he had nothing to do with Project 2025.

There are “Trump abortion bans” in several states. This is not true. Every pro-life policy provides exceptions for abortions when they are deemed necessary to save the life of a pregnant woman.

Trump will sign a national abortion ban. Not true. Trump has repeatedly stated that he would not sign any federal law restricting abortion, but he has not said whether he would veto an abortion ban.

Trump “would essentially be immune from any wrongdoing should he re-enter the White House.” Not true. The court said: “There is no immunity for unofficial acts.”

Harris claimed she was “very clear in 2020.” “I’m not going to ban fracking,” she said. But in 2020, she said, “There’s no question that I’m in favor of banning fracking.”

Harris denied that she made any efforts to free left-wing rioters after the death of George Floyd in 2020. That’s not true. Harris urged her social media followers to donate to a bail fund dedicated to those arrested for her months-long, $2 billion siege of cities like Minneapolis.

Harris claimed that “some” police officers died as a result of the demonstrations outside the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. That is not true. One died of natural causes.

Trump praised white supremacists marching in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017 when he said there were “good people on both sides.” That’s false. Trump was referring to both sides of the debate over whether historical monuments should be allowed to stand.

“There is not a single member of the U.S. military on active duty in a combat zone…” Not true. We have troops in Syria and Iraq that are regularly attacked by Iranian-backed militias.


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