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203 years old?

203 years old?

Diary entries

Carlos R. Paredes

203 years old?

Guatemala has been a free and independent country for 203 years. We are a democratic republic, with a modern constitution that we have in order and that we cannot guarantee alone, but we protect all rights and all freedoms. We support freedom of movement, action freedom, movement freedom, emission of thoughts, religion freedom, industry freedom, trade and employment freedom and finally education freedom. We have improved how to reduce discrimination, but they were injustices. In response to the echo of whoever freely expressed their opinion on a protest march, we respected the freedom of movement, freedom of industry, trade and commerce of many others affected by the demonstration.

You are 203 years old, but are you really free? Contamos con las libertades constitucionales mencionadas. However, there is a year in which we live in which we are in a different time than where we are anywhere. A suspect of corruption who wanted to promulgate the new Constitution decided to disorientate himself. The mistake is to take advantage of the corrupt to manipulate the Constitution and decree it in their favor, maintaining it in Congress for decades. At the beginning, corruption began and was kept secret only by a small draw when the supplier was selected. Regrettably, we have allowed what is now a monster of many subjects who want to leave and harass the country. Corruption has been generalized and the Constitution has been kept under control.

Our historical heritage is very old. Among many we can mention the Mayan temples, the Puente de los Esclavos, the Correos building, the museums and the Palacio de la Cultura. The buildings were well designed and built to withstand the passage of time, the rural roads and the irregularities of the climate. Hello, you will not build buildings in this city. Corruption obliges to plan and construct in the next few years to destroy them. The negotiation process will soon be repeated repeatedly with the consequence that it is so far. I have been especially on the roads and places, having to be reconstructed with a lot of traffic, having to leave the days behind due to the climate and the usual annual floods. Including that this is not the case and what is now coming to a conclusion.

Corruption obliges us to plan and construct in the coming years in order to destroy it. The negotiation process will soon be rebuilt and repeated, with the result that the time has come.

In Guatemala, the mistreatment that allowed the rise of Yugoslavia with corruption prevailed, forcing the government to harass, destroy, commit misery and completely slow down progress and development. It is incredible how extreme pressure and chronic nutritional deprivation have been created since the last decade of the 21st century until today. In addition, the family has been deprived, the essential pillar of all of society, losing the fundamental values ​​of resettlement, ethics and respect that are learned at home.

The problem is that in Guatemala, as mayors of the affected countries, the cities are not involved and can be manipulated by the fellow people and the social speeches. The corrupt confirm the first general and practical guide to handle the information repetition system so that they tell the truth to the owners. When people committed to creating a car company because their men were several indigenous, in reality it was only one thing: corruption. This is a general and systematized point to equip the inhabitants of the state with a red target taken from the Heraldo Nacional and taken from the tax office. The corruption that we have imprisoned is a false illusion of freedom and we are not capable of innovating and progressing.

We urgently demand to eradicate the terrible corruption that we are destroying in order to improve our freedom and revitalize Guatemala, our Constitution that we are missing!


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