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U of M advances health plan to improve health of all Minnesotans

U of M advances health plan to improve health of all Minnesotans

A coordinated vision of all health programs offers unique opportunities to address nationwide challenges

Leaders from across the University of Minnesota’s health sciences programs outlined key goals for a unified health sciences strategic plan during a discussion with the Board of Regents’ Special Committee on Academic Health earlier this week. The discussion came at a particularly timely time when Minnesota needs to address critical health care workforce shortages and improve access and equity to health care across the state.

“The components of this strategic plan revolve around a basic but powerful idea – ensuring that all Minnesotans have access to exceptional health care,” said President Rebecca Cunningham. “The University of Minnesota has one of the most comprehensive collections of health science programs in the country, and many of them are already recognized for excellence, including nationally ranked programs in each of our health science schools. When we align our unmatched expertise with the state’s current and future health needs, we help all Minnesotans live healthier, happier lives for generations to come.”

University of Michigan health sciences leaders shared goals and actions they envision will drive meaningful outcomes across the state through workforce expansion, partnering with providers in rural and underserved communities, accessible care including telehealth and mobile care, and discovery and treatment.

The plan attaches proposed actions and measurable outcomes to each goal, outlining what could realistically be accomplished with the required level of state partnership and what might be possible with additional investment. Concepts range from building blocks like funding the training of more than 1,000 additional health professionals per decade to bold visions like replicating the high-performance interprofessional care of the Community-University Health Care Center in Greater Minnesota. The plan focuses on what the university can uniquely accomplish, particularly by considering the health of people, animals, plants, natural resources and the environment.

Politicians stressed the urgent need to invest in these programs now. Staffing shortages are growing. Healthcare gaps have already emerged in Minnesota’s rural and underserved communities that need to be addressed. And the state’s population and healthcare workforce itself continue to age.

The University of Minnesota’s health sciences already play a vital role in providing care to Minnesotans. The U of M is a driving force in workforce development, as it is one of only four universities in the country with schools of medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, nursing, public health and veterinary medicine. In addition to more than 2,000 clinical training sites across the state, physician and pharmacy residents teach in Duluth, the Medical School is expanding to St. Cloud, the U of M’s Rochester campus is dedicated to training the highly diverse and well-trained health professionals the state needs, and the Crookston and Morris campuses help students choose careers in a variety of health sciences.

During its September meeting, the Board also reviewed the two-year budget request recommended by President Rebecca Cunningham, which calls for $45 million in state investments to supplement the University’s own financial commitments to implement this plan.

Public comments are encouraged through the Board of Regents’ virtual forum

The Board continues to welcome public comment on all issues through the Board’s Virtual Forum. The public may submit audio, video, or written comments to the virtual forum anytime, anywhere. All comments will be forwarded directly to the Regents and included in the Board’s public record materials. Individuals are encouraged to visit the virtual forum to provide their comments.

In addition, the Board of Directors has the following tasks:

  • Review of the President’s recommended state capital request for 2025 and six-year capital plan.
  • The process for developing the university’s next system-wide strategic plan was discussed with President Cunningham.
  • The expansion of the university as a technology and corporate engagement center was discussed with Shashank Priya, Vice President of Research and Innovation, Rick Huebsch, Assistant Vice President of Technology Commercialization, and Steve Corkery, Assistant Vice President in the Corporate Engagement Center.
  • Get an update on Enterprise Risk Management Program initiatives by Katharine Bonneson, Assistant Vice President for Health, Safety and Risk Management.
  • Approves the new Rochester Campus Plan.
  • Received an annual report on private donations by Kathy Schmidlkofer, President and CEO of the University of Minnesota Foundation.
  • Proposed changes to Board of Regents policy under review: International education, research and public relations.
  • Get an update on public safety at the Twin Cities Campus by University of Minnesota Police Chief Matt Clark.

The next Board of Trustees meeting is scheduled for October 10 and 11. For more information, visit


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