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Neighbors are working around the clock on their new house and are annoying everyone, so he took his drum kit and turned the tables » TwistedSifter

Neighbors are working around the clock on their new house and are annoying everyone, so he took his drum kit and turned the tables » TwistedSifter

Neighbors are working around the clock on their new house and are annoying everyone, so he took his drum kit and turned the tables » TwistedSifterNeighbors are working around the clock on their new house and are annoying everyone, so he took his drum kit and turned the tables » TwistedSifter

There’s a reason construction workers and contractors wear earplugs.

Power tools are super loud and there’s not much you can do about it.

However, you can minimise the impact on your neighbours by carrying out construction work at times when there will be as little disruption as possible.

Did the people in this story do that? No. But this neighbor made a plan to change that.

Check it out below.

My neighbors were renovating their house, but they always chose the worst time to do it: IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT.

I couldn’t understand why they were drilling and hammering like crazy into their walls every year at 11 p.m.

This went on for weeks and I often came to class exhausted from lack of sleep. As a result, all of my final exams that semester were terrible.

Negotiating only encourages them, so move on to Plan B.

I tried to talk to them and negotiate a time when they could do their renovation without disturbing their neighbors’ sleep.

However, they did not comply with my request, even though I had asked them to cooperate with the police.

On the contrary, they drilled even louder and disturbed all the surrounding neighborhoods.

The worst part is that despite everything, I had literally begged these people to at least be considerate and have a polite conversation with me and all the other neighbors.

They excluded us all and refused to make even the slightest compromise.

So in the summer I decided to put all my drums on the balcony.

Every day, at 11pm sharp, I made sure my loudest beats were played on the same floor as her bedroom.

Plan B seems to be working with the right allies.

Only when they decided to report me to the police.

What they couldn’t have expected, however, was that these were the same officers I had called during the construction games and that they even secretly gave me a thumbs up and asked me “not to disturb the other neighbors” and were just harassing these two people.

I even wore my sunglasses and headphones so that people couldn’t disturb me.

Now they are the ones who have to beg me to talk to them.

Look at what people are saying.

This is tantamount to torture.

Source: Reddit/Petty RevengeSource: Reddit/Petty Revenge

The thing is, you can’t really capture the sound very well.

It won’t sound the way you heard it.

Source: Reddit/Petty RevengeSource: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Yes, really. And maybe under the influence of drugs.

Source: Reddit/Petty RevengeSource: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Most people have never listened to music with high-quality over-ear headphones.

Everything sounds better with my pair of Sennheisers.

Source: Reddit/Petty RevengeSource: Reddit/Petty Revenge

I’m a night owl, but even I think that’s a strange attitude…

Source: Reddit/Petty RevengeSource: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Maybe they are actually building some kind of laboratory…

Nowadays you never know.

If you liked this post, read this story about a man who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house and so went to a hotel instead.


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